15 animals who do yoga better than you

Yoga is definitely a cool thing. So steep that not only people but many animals love to perform the asanas of different difficulty. Yeah, some of them do it better than humans. Don't believe? Then look at this collection of adorable animals doing yoga. Who knows, maybe you'll even be able they have something to learn. Who needs a yoga teacher when there are such funny and cute teachers from among our brothers.

15 animals who do yoga better than you
15 animals who do yoga better than you

"You mean that's it, master?"

15 animals who do yoga better than you

Border collie Holly and ACE join its master for several exercises.

15 animals who do yoga better than you

Well, a real yogi is the same.

15 animals who do yoga better than you

A great stretch!

15 animals who do yoga better than you

How many are here for cuteness!

15 animals who do yoga better than you

Yoga with a sea lion.

15 animals who do yoga better than you

The kid tries hard.

15 animals who do yoga better than you

Think Judy pretty well.

15 animals who do yoga better than you

Just repeats of hostess, and how this beauty and umilitelny.

15 animals who do yoga better than you

Well, I do not understand, yoga or just cute potyagushki. But it looks very funny.

15 animals who do yoga better than you

And in this case, it seems that the family pass was cheaper.

15 animals who do yoga better than you

Lazy yoga.

Keywords: Inspiration | Pets | Yoga | Cats | Really cute | Mimimi | Examples | Laughter | Dogs

