14 photos taken completely by chance at the perfect moment

Categories: Positive |

Sometimes, for a successful photo, you do not need to invent a pose for hours, wait for the perfect light or look for an angle. Just a light whiff of luck in your direction is enough, and - voila - the perfect frame is ready. Moreover, the lucky ones do not immediately discover how lucky they are and that they took not just a boring photo, but a real optical illusion. 

14 photos taken completely by chance at the perfect moment
14 photos taken completely by chance at the perfect moment

The anteater's paw is very similar to a panda.

14 photos taken completely by chance at the perfect moment

"I fell asleep on the bus, woke up — and here it is. A little Kondraty was not enough."

14 photos taken completely by chance at the perfect moment

"High five!"

14 photos taken completely by chance at the perfect moment

14 photos taken completely by chance at the perfect moment

14 photos taken completely by chance at the perfect moment

14 photos taken completely by chance at the perfect moment

A three-headed deer.

14 photos taken completely by chance at the perfect moment

14 photos taken completely by chance at the perfect moment

Double zebra.

14 photos taken completely by chance at the perfect moment

Nothing special, just a couple of deer voting.

14 photos taken completely by chance at the perfect moment

The face of Paris.

14 photos taken completely by chance at the perfect moment

14 photos taken completely by chance at the perfect moment

14 photos taken completely by chance at the perfect moment

Transparent screen.

