14 most creative face masks from around the world

Who said you can't look great while protecting yourself and others?

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, face masks have become a part of most people's wardrobe, and some people have had a little fun with them. Artists, designers, and ordinary people have shown their creativity by transforming masks into artistic designs and expressions of individuality.

Here are 14 of the most creative face masks from around the world.


14 most creative face masks from around the world
14 most creative face masks from around the world

1. An engineer turned a snorkeling mask into one that can be worn on the streets.

14 most creative face masks from around the world
14 most creative face masks from around the world

2. This artist in Austria creates masks based on pop culture and films.

14 most creative face masks from around the world
14 most creative face masks from around the world

3. This mask was covered with precious stones.

14 most creative face masks from around the world

4. This family in the Gaza Strip found another use for the leftover vegetables, turning them into masks.

14 most creative face masks from around the world

5. This artist wore a mask that matched his tie.

14 most creative face masks from around the world

6. This knitted mask was presented with a mustache and a smile.

14 most creative face masks from around the world

7. In addition to the veil, this wedding dress comes with a matching face mask.

14 most creative face masks from around the world

8. Cartoon caricatures with exaggerated features.

14 most creative face masks from around the world

9. This man did not have a mask, so he decided to wear his girlfriend's T-shirt instead.

14 most creative face masks from around the world

10. This man's mask consisted only of a napkin.

14 most creative face masks from around the world

11. This fashionable face mask has a zipper.

14 most creative face masks from around the world

12. The Alien franchise was the inspiration for this face pack.

14 most creative face masks from around the world

13. This respirator mask was inspired by sci-fi movies.

14 most creative face masks from around the world

14. The husband of the cardiologist designed and printed a 3D heart-shaped mask.

Keywords: Coronavirus | Pandemic | Isolation | Face masks | Design | Art | Artist | Designer | Fashion | World | People | Wardrobe | Creativity

