14 habits that make you feel tired all the time

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Lack of sleep is not the only thing that drains your vital energy. Various little things that you do (or don't do) can exhaust you both mentally and physically. Experts have identified the most common bad habits that make you feel tired, and also described simple life tricks that will help restore cheerfulness and ease to your gait.

14 habits that make you feel tired all the time
14 habits that make you feel tired all the time

Do you skip a workout when you feel tired

Many people mistakenly believe that they will be able to save energy if they miss a workout. But in fact, sports, on the contrary, can add strength to you. According to the results of a study conducted by the University of Georgia, people who lead a sedentary lifestyle begin to feel more energetic already 6 weeks after they start exercising. At the same time, three 20-minute workouts a week are enough for them.

Physical exercises increase strength and endurance, stimulate the work of the heart and contribute to a more effective enrichment of the body with oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, the next time you don't have the strength to go to the gym, force yourself to at least go for a walk — you won't regret it.

14 habits that make you feel tired all the time

You don't drink enough fluids

According to Texas nutritionist Amy Goodson, even a slight dehydration of 2% of the normal fluid volume leads to a significant decrease in energy. The lack of fluid in the body reduces the volume of blood and makes it thicker. The heart requires more effort to pump blood, so it begins to work less intensively, as a result of which the circulation of oxygen in the body slows down.

14 habits that make you feel tired all the time

You're not getting enough iron

Iron deficiency can make you slow, irritable, weak and unable to concentrate. "You get tired quickly when muscles and cells get less oxygen," says Goodson. To avoid this, as well as reduce the risk of anemia, include iron-containing foods in your diet, including tofu, beans, green leafy vegetables, nuts and peanut butter. Please note: if symptoms of iron deficiency appear, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as this may be a consequence of another disease.

14 habits that make you feel tired all the time

Are you a perfectionist

"The constant pursuit of excellence (which, you must admit, is impossible) makes you work longer and harder than necessary," says Irene Levin, professor of psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine. —You set unrealistic goals that are very difficult or impossible to achieve, so you don't get satisfaction from your work." Levin recommends limiting the time spent working on projects and strictly following the established schedule. After some time, you will make sure that the extra time you spent at work did not affect its quality.

14 habits that make you feel tired all the time

You're making a big deal out of a molehill

If every time your boss calls you to an unplanned meeting, you expect to be fired, then you tend to dramatize everything and constantly expect the worst. According to Irene Levin, the feeling of anxiety literally paralyzes you and drains you psychologically. So the next time you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, take a deep breath, and then ask yourself what is the probability that the worst of your assumptions will come true. A walk in the fresh air, meditation, exercises and friendly advice will help you cope with experiences and learn to look at things more realistically.

14 habits that make you feel tired all the time

You don't have breakfast

Food is fuel for our body. When we sleep, our body continues to use the energy received during the day to maintain blood circulation and oxygen. Therefore, in the morning you need to "refuel". If you skip breakfast, you will feel exhausted. As Amy Goodson says, "Eating breakfast is the spark that ignites the metabolism." For breakfast, Goodson recommends eating whole grains, pure proteins and healthy fats. It can be a fruit smoothie with skimmed milk, oatmeal porridge with peanut butter or whole grain bread and yogurt.

14 habits that make you feel tired all the time

Do you eat fast food and other junk food

Products with a high content of sugars and simple carbohydrates have a high glycemic index, that is, they contribute to a sharp increase in blood sugar levels. "Frequent sugar spikes cause fatigue," says Goodson. Try to control sugar levels by regularly consuming whole grains and plant foods.

14 habits that make you feel tired all the time

You don't know how to refuse

The desire to please everyone often leads to a waste of energy. Worse, over time, this behavior can develop a sense of resentment and bitterness in you. Remember: when your child's coach asks you to bake cookies for the whole team or when your boss asks you to go to work on Sunday, you don't have to agree at all. Learn to say "no". Clinical psychologist Susan Albers recommends practicing this psychological technique as a workout: "Try saying no out loud when you are alone in your car. If you hear how you pronounce this word, it will be much easier for you to say it when the need arises."

14 habits that make you feel tired all the time

Your office is a mess

A cluttered desktop psychologically exhausts you, slows down the brain's ability to process information and does not allow you to focus on work — this is the conclusion of researchers at Princeton University. At the end of the working day, put all the things in their places. This will help you start the next working day with a positive attitude.

14 habits that make you feel tired all the time

Do you work during your vacation

Checking incoming emails instead of relaxing by the pool can deprive you of your last strength and lead to complete exhaustion. During the vacation, try to forget about work and allow yourself to relax. This will help your brain and body recover, as a result of which you will be able to return to your duties with renewed vigor. A good rest will make you more creative, more productive and more efficient.

14 habits that make you feel tired all the time

Do you drink a glass of wine before going to bed

Some people are used to skipping a couple of glasses of wine before going to bed, being sure that it helps them relax. In fact, such a habit often produces the opposite effect. According to Allen Toufai, MD, alcohol initially suppresses the central nervous system and really has a calming effect. But eventually it disrupts sleep. As alcohol is absorbed, it leads to an adrenaline rush. Therefore, there is a high probability that after drinking alcohol, you may suddenly wake up in the middle of the night. To avoid sleep problems, Dr. Toufai recommends abstaining from alcoholic beverages at least 3-4 hours before bedtime.

14 habits that make you feel tired all the time

Do you check your email before going to bed

"The flickering light from the screen of a smartphone, tablet or laptop disrupts the natural circadian rhythm of your body, suppressing the level of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for the cyclical periods of sleep and wakefulness," says Dr. Toufai. And although each person's susceptibility to the glow of screens is individual, the doctor recommends not using digital devices at least an hour or two before bedtime. If you can't go to bed without checking your incoming messages, then at least keep the device screen at a distance of 35 cm from your eyes.

14 habits that make you feel tired all the time

You only hope for caffeine during the day

There is nothing wrong with starting the day with a cup of invigorating coffee. Moreover, according to research, you can drink even three cups of coffee a day without harm to your health. However, caffeine abuse can seriously disrupt your sleep, says Allen Toufai. Caffeine blocks adenosine, a byproduct of active cells that helps us fall asleep. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine ("Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine") confirmed that drinking caffeine even 6 hours before bedtime can affect sleep. Therefore, it is best to drink the last cup of coffee no later than after lunch.

14 habits that make you feel tired all the time

Do you sleep for a long time on weekends

"If you stay up late on Saturday and then sleep half a day on Sunday, it will be difficult for you to fall asleep on Sunday evening. This, in turn, will lead to the fact that on Monday you will feel overwhelmed," says Dr. Toufai. If, due to any circumstances, you cannot go to bed at the usual time on Saturday, then at least force yourself to wake up early on Sunday, and then just take a nap after lunch. "A 20-minute nap will help you gain strength without entering a deep sleep phase, after which it is usually more difficult to wake up," says Dr. Toufai.

Keywords: Habits | Fatigue | Cunning

