12 ways to design photos
We offer you a dozen original ways to hang photos. Useful for those who not only take photos, but also print pictures.
1. Attach the photo to the old authentic wheel. The wheel, accordingly, is hung on the wall.
2. Photos in old bottles. They say you can even pour vegetable oil into a bottle (jar) and decorate with dried herbs.
3. Flowers. An option for a school photo, for example.
4. Multiple family tree options.
5. Patchwork quilt.
6. Decoration with old frames.
7. Photos from the old pallet.
8. Garland and clothespins: storage and lighting at the same time.
9. Original magnets for attaching photos to the refrigerator.
10. Unusual corner frames.
11. Photos on the reels from under the threads.
12. Old window frame as a photo frame.
Keywords: Home | Design and architecture | Interior | Photography | Creative | Ideas | Decoration | Design