12 things that reveal their true nature in a couple of moments

There are many optical illusions that can be deliberately created to trick our minds. But sometimes these visual tricks happen by accident, and we don't necessarily notice them at first glance.

Pictolic has compiled a list of deceptive images that from now on will make you doubt reality.


12 things that reveal their true nature in a couple of moments

1. "I almost ate the mantis that was in my salad!"

12 things that reveal their true nature in a couple of moments

2. Edible AirPod.

12 things that reveal their true nature in a couple of moments

3. Believe it or not, this is cake.

12 things that reveal their true nature in a couple of moments

4. Converse bottomless sneakers.

12 things that reveal their true nature in a couple of moments

5. At first glance, this cinema looks like a laptop.

12 things that reveal their true nature in a couple of moments

6. Square portal in a brick wall.

12 things that reveal their true nature in a couple of moments

7. This part of the stump looks like a small wooden metropolis.

12 things that reveal their true nature in a couple of moments

8. Not a dragon's egg, but just a ham!

12 things that reveal their true nature in a couple of moments

9. Spider tea.

12 things that reveal their true nature in a couple of moments

10. Don't eat this strawberry frosting - it's actually just putty paste.

12 things that reveal their true nature in a couple of moments

11. Very dangerous non-carrot sticks from potassium tetrachlorourate.

12 things that reveal their true nature in a couple of moments

12. You shouldn't eat these grapes, they are actually the botryoid minerals of chalcedony.

Keywords: Photos | Moments | Illusions | Nature | Food | Meal | Images | Trick | Accident | Reality | World | Things | Visual | Glance

