12 designers who will be fired tomorrow

Sometimes designers go crazy with their creativity and might come up with something weird, like an alarm, to scare off car thieves. Whether it's designing in a store, a restaurant, or the outside of a building, sometimes designers can really miss the mark.

We have prepared a list of the most unforgettable design creations that you definitely need to see with your own eyes.


12 designers who will be fired tomorrow

1. Dora seems to love dessert.

12 designers who will be fired tomorrow

2. Relax and order something.

12 designers who will be fired tomorrow

3. What time is it there?

12 designers who will be fired tomorrow

4. A room for a perfectionist friend.

12 designers who will be fired tomorrow

5. How to make your waist thinner in just one second:

12 designers who will be fired tomorrow

6. What then is put in bags of corn?

12 designers who will be fired tomorrow

7. It will be an unforgettable adventure.

12 designers who will be fired tomorrow

8. Place for the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms.

12 designers who will be fired tomorrow

9. Medicine for the whole family.

12 designers who will be fired tomorrow

10. Do not attempt to descend this ladder while drunk.

12 designers who will be fired tomorrow

11. When you're so focused on whether you can do it that you don't even consider if you should.

12 designers who will be fired tomorrow

12. Recalcitrant trees.

Keywords: Designers | Creativity | Store | Restaurant | Interior design | Product designs | Mistakes

