11 facts about animals that even zoologists don't know

Categories: Animals | Nature | Photo project | Science | World |

It may seem that we know a lot about animals, but in reality, we do not. For example, we had no idea that a giraffe could hiss or that a jaguar could bite through a turtle. Crows and pigeons remember people who somehow offended them. And, as the experiment showed, they remember a person not by their clothes, but by their face.

We often publish curious facts about the animal world, and it's time to learn something new today.


11 facts about animals that even zoologists don't know

1. Crows and pigeons can remember people's faces.

Pigeons, crows can recognize people and remember their faces. These birds can also show resentment and anger towards people who have been aggressive with them.

11 facts about animals that even zoologists don't know

2. Cows are more dangerous than sharks.

Cows kill more people than sharks every year. From 2001 to 2013, cows killed 60 people in the United States, while sharks killed only one person a year. We should probably be more afraid of cows than sharks.

11 facts about animals that even zoologists don't know

3. Jaguars can bite through the shell of turtles.

Jaguars rank 3rd among mammals in bite strength (lions and tigers rank 1st and 2nd). Their teeth are so long and their jaws are so strong that they can bite through a turtle or a cow's skull.

11 facts about animals that even zoologists don't know

4. Beetles are guided by the Milky Way.

The beetles that live in Africa look up at the sky as they walk on the ground and follow the Milky Way. Sometimes they travel far from their burrows, but they always return home. Interestingly, in a closed room, they move chaotically, and sometimes in circles.

11 facts about animals that even zoologists don't know

5. Elephants can recognize themselves in the mirror.

Elephants can recognize themselves in the mirror. This could mean that they have a certain level of self-awareness, which some monkeys and dolphins have also shown.

11 facts about animals that even zoologists don't know

6. Scotch tape can keep the alligator's mouth closed.

An alligator's jaw muscles are so strong that they can close with the force of a fast-moving truck. But despite the very high gripping force of their jaws, the muscles responsible for opening the mouth are so weak that the alligator's mouth can be kept closed with tape.

11 facts about animals that even zoologists don't know

7. Cows can have best friends.

Cows may have friendships with some of the other cows in their herd. And they experience less stress when they spend time with their friends. But if they are separated and placed in different groups, the cows can begin to suffer from high levels of stress. After a while, they lose friendly ties and cannot restore them, even after reunification.

11 facts about animals that even zoologists don't know

8. Giraffes use infrasonic communication.

Did you know that giraffes can bleat, meow, cough, howl, snort, whistle, grumble, and snore? But the most interesting thing is that they are very sociable animals. And they "talk" to each other with the help of infrasound, which the human ear cannot hear.

11 facts about animals that even zoologists don't know

9. Why do birds defecate where they want?

Birds do not have sphincters. Well, to be more precise, there are some muscles around their cloaca, but they are almost undeveloped. Therefore, birds simply cannot control the process of defecation. Their feces leave their bodies without any action on the part of the bird after a certain amount of it has been accumulated.

11 facts about animals that even zoologists don't know

10. Okapis were considered mythical animals until the 20th century.

Okapi is reclusive in the wild. These animals were not known to the western world until the early 20th century and were even considered mythical creatures such as unicorns or dragons.

11 facts about animals that even zoologists don't know

11. A bear can run faster than a horse.

It may seem impossible, but bears are indeed capable of overtaking racehorses. Although they can only do this at short distances because bears have very little stamina.

Keywords: Facts | Animals | Nature | Interesting facts | Experiments | People | World | Reality | Zoo | Zoologists | Science

