11 animals whose eyes speak louder than a thousand words

Like humans, animals can convey a lot through the eyes. Whether it's joy or sadness, one look in our pets' eyes can make or break our day.


11 animals whose eyes speak louder than a thousand words

1. We all know who doesn't want to visit the dentist.

11 animals whose eyes speak louder than a thousand words

2. The only room in the house that he cannot enter.

11 animals whose eyes speak louder than a thousand words

3. Sweet puppy.

11 animals whose eyes speak louder than a thousand words

4. His name is Tucker and he is a good boy.

11 animals whose eyes speak louder than a thousand words

5. It was Otis's birthday and he couldn't believe he got the cake.

11 animals whose eyes speak louder than a thousand words

6. Rats can be cute too.

11 animals whose eyes speak louder than a thousand words

7. This smile is contagious, isn't it?

11 animals whose eyes speak louder than a thousand words

8. Are you going to sit at your laptop all day?

11 animals whose eyes speak louder than a thousand words

9. The sweetest boy.

11 animals whose eyes speak louder than a thousand words

10. The sweetest boy.

11 animals whose eyes speak louder than a thousand words

11. When the eyes literally radiate love.

Keywords: Animals | Humans | Eyes | Pets | Photos | Photo projects | Positive

