10 tiny animals in miniature plaster casts

Categories: Animals | Health and Medicine |

Of course, there is absolutely nothing funny when you have to wear a cast. It's inconvenient, going to the shower is a whole event, and it often itches unbearably under the plaster, but it's impossible to reach the disturbing place.

But there is something incredibly touching in these photos, in which all babies, from squirrels and hedgehogs to kittens, are treated, groomed and cherished. We are insanely sympathetic to these crumbs and their suffering, but, on the other hand, they are helped, they are loved, and this is always wonderful.

10 tiny animals in miniature plaster casts
10 tiny animals in miniature plaster casts

The fox cub.

10 tiny animals in miniature plaster casts

The mouse.

10 tiny animals in miniature plaster casts

A 10-week-old hedgehog is recovering in a veterinary hospital after being found on the street with three broken paws.

10 tiny animals in miniature plaster casts

The baby is a donkey.

10 tiny animals in miniature plaster casts


10 tiny animals in miniature plaster casts

The rabbit got a cool plaster cast with a carrot.

10 tiny animals in miniature plaster casts


10 tiny animals in miniature plaster casts

A little squirrel broke a leg.

10 tiny animals in miniature plaster casts

Another squirrel. He fell from a tree, and they put a cast on him.

10 tiny animals in miniature plaster casts


10 tiny animals in miniature plaster casts

And this guinea pig has burned paws.

10 tiny animals in miniature plaster casts

"My cat jumped out of a third-floor window. Now he looks very cool in a bandana with a cast."

10 tiny animals in miniature plaster casts


10 tiny animals in miniature plaster casts

Milena the sloth with her daughter.

10 tiny animals in miniature plaster casts

And this is Kevin, the little falcon.

10 tiny animals in miniature plaster casts

A frog in plaster casts.

Keywords: Plaster | Kids | Rescue

