10 Street Photographs That Managed To Capture The Beauty Of Cats, Featured On This Instagram Page (Part2)
For many years cat photos have been a source of delight and amusement for many people across the globe, and with the rise of social media, such photos have only increased in quantity (we can't really complain about that, can we?). The allure of cat pictures lies in the unexpected and often quirky moments they capture—be it a feline caught mid-jump, lounging in an odd position, or offering a gaze that seems to pierce the very soul.
Cats and animals in general make for good subjects when it comes to photography, so it's no wonder there are so many photos of them online. Today we would love to share 50 of the best cat photos from the "Street Photographers Foundation" on Instagram.
More info: instagram

Photo by Jilbertolo.

Photo by Bet Gardy.
Photo by Sami Uçan.
Photo by Arek Rataj.
Photo by Tod Parker.
Photo by Berner22.
Photo by Vladimir Zotov.
Photo by Matt Weberr.
Photo by Ali Zoghadri.
Photo by Edouard Boubat.