10 simple household take that will help to escape poverty and quarrels

Categories: Food and Drinks |

We live in a society that even in the 21st century willing to believe in omens and superstitions. Among them are quite stupid, for example, about running across the road a black cat, and based on everyday experiences and observations of many generations. That's about it, we want to talk about today.

10 simple household take that will help to escape poverty and quarrels

10 simple household take that will help to escape poverty and quarrels

The hostess did not always pay attention to the dishes with minor cracks and splits. And some even believe that if you throw every corrupt the Cup and the plate, that the money is not enough. But the dishes since ancient times symbolizes home and financial well-being, so it is worth paying special attention.

Experts in the field of esotericism believe that the plates and saucers preserved part of the energy of the food consumed people. Through a small crack in the Cup may leak good luck and family income, it is unlikely someone will like it.

10 simple household take that will help to escape poverty and quarrels

Some of us, when nobody sees, is not averse to lick the plate after something tasty. Really — how do you wash cool the sauce in the sink, if you can eat it! But there is a sign that you can't do unmarried and it is not good manners. It is believed that the lover to lick the dish always gets bald old man, and the guy runs the risk to get a life partner with quarrelsome character.

10 simple household take that will help to escape poverty and quarrels

Comfort and beauty — the goal of every good housewife. So rare lady is not engaged in the decoration of the house and especially the kitchen. Many rightly argue that modern artificial flowers, barely distinguishable from the real thing — a great inexpensive way to spice up the interior.

But the sign clearly States that the artificial colors, no matter what material they were created, in premises generate negative energy and doesn't exactly make life more enjoyable. There is even an opinion that fake plants can interfere with the girl to find the guy of your dreams.

10 simple household take that will help to escape poverty and quarrels

Egg — product is very fragile and unpredictable. Sometimes, when cooking, the egg poured out past the pans, and sometimes, it just slipped from his hands and breaks on the floor in pieces. In people, it has long been considered a very bad sign, and all because the egg symbolizes life itself. Broken unintentionally, without sense, he brings to human problems.

10 simple household take that will help to escape poverty and quarrels

Since the moon is considered a planet of the dead souls, and everything associated with it belong to adverse, hostile to human phenomena. In new moon, when the light of the moon especially active, cooking is not recommended. Our ancestors noticed that even the fresh produce does not guarantee that the dish is created on the new moon, will not go bad within hours. At least the food cooked in this period, is simply tasteless, as if the hostess tried.

10 simple household take that will help to escape poverty and quarrels

Sign that could be called a little-known — to wipe the table in the kitchen disposable paper towel attracts money. It is unclear when these articles appeared in our everyday life relatively recently, had become part of their heritage, but we do know that many Housewives because of the signs to avoid dealing with the towels of paper. They say it is better to wipe the table with a soft damp cloth.

10 simple household take that will help to escape poverty and quarrels

Another "remake" — sign, we have emerged together with long pasta. It is believed that wheat is the symbol of life and positive energy from it goes to the products made from flour. Therefore, it is believed that breaking the spaghetti, we shorten his short human life is.

10 simple household take that will help to escape poverty and quarrels

It seems that if the guest wants to help clear the table and wash the dishes, then this may not be anything wrong. But in fact, there is a sign stating that doing the dishes visitor destroying your financial well-being. Why? It's simple — dishes, as we have said, is a very personal, filled with energy things. Trust the dishwashing to a stranger, even go into your home, it is not recommended.

10 simple household take that will help to escape poverty and quarrels

But, expelling from kitchen sinks guest, immediately wash it themselves, and in any case, do not leave for extended time in a dirty way. Throwing the dishes in the sink or on the table until the morning, you run the risk of anger brownie begin to organize in your home, quarrels and scandals. Wise housewife washing dishes at once, because they believe that the moment of laziness can lead to serious hassle, and maybe even divorce.

10 simple household take that will help to escape poverty and quarrels

Yet our ancestors noticed that the milk and the storm — are incompatible. If a cow or goat milk in a thunderstorm, the milk will turn sour quickly. Even leave a pitcher of this product on the table in bad weather considered risky. Versions of why the milk really faster sour when the thunder and lightning, over the centuries there were many.

But only now, scientists have proposed a plausible explanation, based on scientific evidence. They argue that the oxidation of milk causes ozone is a substance that is formed from oxygen under the action of an electric discharge. Ozone has excellent oxidation properties and just spur of lactic acid bacteria to rapid growth.

Keywords: Housewife | Food | Dishes | Omens | Superstition | Spirituality

