10 roads that should go at least once in your life

Categories: Nature | Travel |

Many have already been able to enjoy a comfortable travel, with convenient flights, hotels and other all inclusive. But the true spirit of adventure appears only travel with a backpack behind shoulders. So it is possible to truly know another country, to test their strength and to feel part of our beautiful Earth.

We have collected for you the most amazing Hiking trails around the world.

10 roads that should go at least once in your life
10 roads that should go at least once in your life
10 roads that should go at least once in your life
10 roads that should go at least once in your life

1. Stairway to heaven, Hawaii (© pinterest, thejoltjoker, laszlofromhalifax)

10 roads that should go at least once in your life
10 roads that should go at least once in your life

2. Pilgrimage route of Shikoku, Japan (© pinterest, altr. livejournal, japanblog)

10 roads that should go at least once in your life

3. The Inca trail, Peru (© blogspot, Beto Santillán, Michael Doolittle)

10 roads that should go at least once in your life

4. The Sarek national Park, Sweden (© Fabian Schmidt, Marco Milani, Rob Orthern)

10 roads that should go at least once in your life

5. The Lycian way, Turkey (© turkey.com, antenario. livejournal, cultureroutesinturkey)

10 roads that should go at least once in your life

6. Bay of fires, Australia (© extendcreative, Hugh Stewart, bayoffires)

10 roads that should go at least once in your life

7. Overland trail, Australia (© Cradlehuts)

10 roads that should go at least once in your life

8. The way of Saint James, Spain (© pinterest, viajejet, anotherbagmoretravel)

10 roads that should go at least once in your life

9. Zion national Park, USA (© ovidiu ifrim, Rick Goldwasser, zionnationalpark)

10 roads that should go at least once in your life

10. The Hiking track around Annapurna, Nepal (© pinterest, Sonam Sherpa, reddit)

Keywords: Road | Trail

