10 post-apocalyptic locations in major cities around the world

Categories: Travel | World |

Movies often make us what becomes of the city after the Apocalypse. But to see it live, to wait not necessarily – even in big cities there are places, though descended from the television. About them and will be discussed in this post.

10 post-apocalyptic locations in major cities around the world

10 post-apocalyptic locations in major cities around the world

In the best years of school No. 186 of Manhattan, it was impossible to think that this building will become more like a scene from "I am Legend". Across the street from her work for the company, all Parking lots are busy with cars and people walking on the sidewalks. Meanwhile, all entrances to the school boarded up, and through her window punched out trees for 40 years, the building is useless, and inside it you can find just garbage.

The school was opened in 1903, but has faced a number of problems in the early 1970s. Her fire safety did not meet all the requirements, and the doors were kept open, in the event of an emergency situation could easily get out of the building. These open doors and lead to problems – multiple attackers crept inside, and it people got hurt.

In 1972, fire inspectors found that the fire alarm was not working – it was the beginning of the end. In 1975 the school was closed, to put in order and re-open to the 1980's. Bought it but the club decided to demolish the building and build anew. Local residents were asked not to demolish it, but the owners said that it will cost a fabulous sum. While there is a debate about the future of the building, and it continues to be neglected and abandoned.

10 post-apocalyptic locations in major cities around the world

This small island, whose width does not exceed 400 meters, located in the Strait of the East river, just 350 metres from the mainland. Until 1885 it was uninhabited until there is not transferred to the hospital, Riverside Hospital, which specializes in the treatment of smallpox patients needed maximum isolation from the outside world. At the end of the 1930‑ies of the hospital was closed.

After the Second world war on North brother settled veterans, but only until such time as the problem with the shortage of housing has not been solved. In the 50s, the island has opened a clinic for the rehabilitation of drug users who have sought notoriety.

Patients claimed that they are there against their will, the staff found some corrupt officials, and the percentage started to use drugs after the treatment was too large, in 1963, the clinic was closed. After that, the island is no longer used. Buildings began to deteriorate, all overgrown with ivy and trees. Visit this atmospheric places is prohibited and therefore the only inhabitants of the island are numerous night herons.

10 post-apocalyptic locations in major cities around the world

The beach was originally known as the naval battle of the Gladiator in Ancient Rome, but later it became any show with a simulation of naval combat. So if you want to arrange a personal beach – welcome to the abandoned marine stadium in Miami. Arena 6600 spectators was opened in the 1960s for the races on boats.

After the hurricane "Andrew" in 1992, the stadium was closed and it became a place of pilgrimage for graffiti artists and other creative people. What to do with the stadium, are constant debates. Some say that it should be put in order and to use, while others argue that it is best to leave it as it is. At least as a tribute to the respect of the graffiti, which is carefully painted for many years. What is correct is unknown, but a second opinion clearly wins the stadium was well worth it.

10 post-apocalyptic locations in major cities around the world

Plant for the production of bricks was built in 1884 and worked for more than a century. It was closed in 1988, but its chimney still dominates the local landscape. But the main thing here – the atmosphere inside the building. Maze passages are juxtaposed with abandoned and rusting equipment. In one of the old offices were even found the paper on which were handwritten recorded sales records.

Abandoned factory reminds us about the technologies of the past, trams and shops Kuznetsov. General picture of atmospheres add small flames that erupt from beneath the overgrown grass of the earth. When methane emerging from buried waste, does not explode by itself, with the help of the local teenagers, casting burning matches in a small depression. The plant is adjacent to Park safely, which is usually full of children playing. The only barrier between them and the piece of the post-Apocalypse in the middle of the city barbed wire. But everybody remembers how sweet the forbidden fruit?

10 post-apocalyptic locations in major cities around the world

If you are bored with the city, perhaps a railroad Bloomingdale's will be the life-giving drop the diversity in your travels. This abandoned 5‑kilometer road passes directly in the middle of a busy city. After its use declined in 2001, its overgrown paths have become a popular route for runners and cyclists, and in winter for skiers.

Feeling abandoned city after these walks does not pass for a long time. Perhaps soon the road will ennoble and make it a Park, but as you know, these projects are not done in one day. So you still have a little time left to properly feel the atmosphere of post-Apocalypse on the railroad.

10 post-apocalyptic locations in major cities around the world

"Tower of David" there is nothing like a gigantic unfinished skyscraper in the middle of Caracas. The construction of the building began in 1990, but because of the crisis of 1994, all work stopped. 45-storey skyscraper boasts a helipad, large balconies and beautiful views of the Avila mountain range, but there's no Windows, no railing. And people live there. Up to the tenth floor can be reached with the help of a motorcycle, next to the 28th floor – foot.

It's the number of floors mastered 3,000 people, which is an unfinished project became home. Here summed electricity, sewer and water, and some of the rooms and is converted in beauty salons and clinics of dentists. In the tower, strict rules and violators are waiting for "public works". Despite the General rather bleak picture, some of the apartments are quite comfortable. The tower has sought the glory of criminal and dysfunctional place, but residents claim that this building is much more organised than in the rest of the city.

10 post-apocalyptic locations in major cities around the world

The insurgents called the armed civilian groups that oppose the authorities. In this case, the building is more opposed to the forces of nature. But as long as it surely is in the upright position – the victory is for him. Outside, the building looks not attractive, but behind the broken panes hides a lot of stories. Any slightest criminal've been here, starting from unscrupulous lawyers and ending with drug traffickers.

Which, however, quite peacefully coexisted with dance teachers and other representatives of the more "peaceful" professions. Once in the building even housed offices, but they were later converted into temporary housing. Because of the earthquake of 1985, the building is slightly tilted. Authorities ordered the evacuation of all people, but the idea among the local inhabitants was not approved, and they needed repairs. Instead, they came only different kinds of claims, as the building collapses before our eyes.

10 post-apocalyptic locations in major cities around the world

This impressive property is difficult to see the former granary – it looks like a cross between factory, prison, and Church. 12 floors and 20 cm thick walls let him look well to the present day, despite long-standing abandonment. Some walls collapsed into the river, others are still going – but in the mist of the building looks really sinister. A granary was discovered in 1922. Even then, specific need was not in it, and in the 60‑ies of the building was closed with the words "great mistake."

The construction is very popular among urban explorers, although you can reach it very difficult. One of these "tourists" said that it is necessary to stock up not only perseverance and creativity, but also to be well-prepared mentally: "I never know what to expect inside and who can stop while trying to enter the territory, as well as what the consequences might be". But even if you are not interested in the study of the granaries inside, come here still stands: for the sake of an amazing sunset, when the light of the setting sun streaming through the empty window.

10 post-apocalyptic locations in major cities around the world

England has the second official capital, but the Manchester and Birmingham fit the role perfectly. That is why each room is equipped with kilometres of underground tunnels built during the Cold war. They are literally the embodiment of the Apocalypse, since for these purposes was created.

Bins under Manchester was built by Polish workers, who did not know English and could not have, if anything, to tell anyone, what and where they did. The construction of both tunnels was conducted in strict secrecy, and until now, many inputs and outputs remain known only to a few people.

10 post-apocalyptic locations in major cities around the world

"Armour&Company" was founded in 1867 and has long been a leader among meat processing companies in America. However, at the end of the twentieth century it fell into disrepair, leaving many abandoned factories across the country. One of them is located in Fort worth (TX). In 1970, the building experienced a major fire, later, attempts were made to demolish it. However, the metal structure was so strong that it is easier and cheaper to leave it as is. Today it looks like a prison.

In 2007, to the remains of the building completed construction of watchtowers in order to use the building for the filming of the series "Escape". Another plant located in the town of Navassa (NC) – he has worked for all for several years. In 20 years there were rumors that the owner of the company was found hanged in the middle of the plant. The building earned a reputation as the place with ghosts and spirits. Several people here have committed suicide in the 80‑ies, which was the reason for the strengthening of local folklore of the supernatural forces.

And the most famous abandoned meat processing plant is located in East St. Louis, Illinois. It is located near the city centre and has a pleasant bonus in the form of old equipment. To work on the plant was at one time arranged around 5,000, what was the reason for the accusations of racism. The plant ceased operations in 1959 and since then has become a lure for lovers of abandoned buildings and extreme tourism.

Keywords: Travel | World | Metropolis | Post-Apocalypse | Abandoned buildings | Abandoned places

