10 of the strongest snowfalls in history

Categories: Nature |

Heavy snowfall is able to paralyze even the largest city in a matter of hours — the road sweeps snow, people can't get to work or home, the products are unable to deliver to stores, power lines fail under the weight of the adhering snow. Somewhere and communal services work better in it, but the fact remains — despite technological advances, humanity is still too vulnerable before the disaster strikes. We collected the best 10 snowfalls ever recorded in the world. Most of them were hit on the American continent.

10 of the strongest snowfalls in history
10 of the strongest snowfalls in history

Chicago, USA, 1967 — 58 centimeters of snow

10 of the strongest snowfalls in history

Ontario and Quebec, Canada, 1971 — 61 centimeters of snow

10 of the strongest snowfalls in history

Boston, USA, 1978 — 69 inches of snow

10 of the strongest snowfalls in history

The area of the Catskill mountains and the Appalachians, 1993 — 127 centimeters of snow

10 of the strongest snowfalls in history

Saratoga springs, USA, 1888 — 147 inches of snow

10 of the strongest snowfalls in history

The state of new York, USA, 2014 — 150 inches of snow

10 of the strongest snowfalls in history

Lhunze, Tibet, 2008 — 182 centimetres of snow

10 of the strongest snowfalls in history

New England, United States, 1717 — 274 inches of snow

10 of the strongest snowfalls in history

Mount Shasta, United States, 1959 — 480 inches of snow

10 of the strongest snowfalls in history

Buffalo, USA, 1977 — 506 centimeters of snow

Keywords: Dozen | Snow | Snowfall

