10 disturbing facts you probably shouldn't have shared

Of course, we can close our eyes to the dark side of the world. But it won't get any brighter. We would even say that we should, on the contrary, take the risk of going into the shadows. Into the unknown.


10 disturbing facts you probably shouldn't have shared

1. When x-ray technology first became widely available to pediatricians, they noticed an astounding number of broken bones. Puzzled doctors have suggested that this is the first time a previously unknown bone disease is being observed in children. It turns out we had no idea how common child abuse was.

10 disturbing facts you probably shouldn't have shared

2. Whales do not die of old age, they simply lose their strength to breathe air, they slowly drown.

10 disturbing facts you probably shouldn't have shared

3. Doctors used to perform heart surgery on infants without anesthesia. Fortunately, this practice has stopped.

10 disturbing facts you probably shouldn't have shared

4. In the past, urine was an ingredient in stained glass windows.

10 disturbing facts you probably shouldn't have shared

5. There are facial mites that live in your pores next to the hair follicle, feed on sebum, have no anus, and come out at night to mate on your skin. And there's nothing you can do about it.

10 disturbing facts you probably shouldn't have shared

6. Microplastics are present in everything you eat and drink. Even the air you breathe contains plastic.

10 disturbing facts you probably shouldn't have shared
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10 disturbing facts you probably shouldn't have shared

7. One of the most toxic chemicals on Earth is organic mercury. The material safety data sheet notes that it has a slightly sweet smell, but at a concentration at which the smell becomes noticeable, the poison is already lethal. This observation was made by someone who would inevitably die from accidental exposure.

10 disturbing facts you probably shouldn't have shared

8. In order to save water, camel urine comes out as a thick syrup.

10 disturbing facts you probably shouldn't have shared

9. The fat of a drowned person turns into a soapy substance if he is underwater without contact with air.

10 disturbing facts you probably shouldn't have shared

10. Your bones are warm and moist.

Keywords: Facts | World | Society | Animals | Planet | Health | Photography | Risk | Life

