10 dishes that every woman should be able to cook, according to men

Categories: Food and Drinks | Society | World |

Modern women are increasingly moving away from the generally accepted framework, including those concerning the conduct of everyday life. If earlier it was possible to see a man at the stove except on holidays, now there is nothing shameful in the fact that household duties are divided equally: cooking, cleaning, washing, and ironing fall on the shoulders of both women and men.

10 dishes that every woman should be able to cook, according to men

Similarly, there is nothing wrong if an employee does the housework for you, for example, cooks food. However, there are still dishes that, according to men, their wives should be able to cook. Or, at least, they must know the recipe and be able to repeat it. Here are a few of them.

Of course, the first place in our list is deservedly occupied by such a favorite dish of all men — a real Ukrainian borscht! Cooking it is easy and difficult at the same time. The fact is that every housewife cooks borscht in her own way, and finding the only correct recipe for borscht is not an easy task. Someone adds Bulgarian pepper, someone - boiled eggs; some housewives use beef broth, others — chicken…

10 dishes that every woman should be able to cook, according to men

Anyway, this dish is a must—have in your culinary arsenal. Therefore, choose any borscht recipe you like and go for it. A little practice, and over time you will also have your own secrets of cooking this dish.

If a man's heart lies through his stomach, then cutlets are bread crumbs on the road! Hearing the smell of delicious, juicy, freshly fried cutlets, a man will come to you from the other side of the Earth!

10 dishes that every woman should be able to cook, according to men

As in the case of borscht, there are just a lot of recipes for cooking cutlets! Choose which one you like and cook. And even better, find out what kind of cutlets your man likes — breaded, with cheese filling, or maybe even Kiev-style cutlets! All these seemingly complex dishes are quite easy to master if you practice a little.

Dishes in the oven are a great option for those who are too lazy to stand at the stove for a long time. It is enough just to prepare all the necessary ingredients, send them to the oven and bake! Just like that!

10 dishes that every woman should be able to cook, according to men

However, there are certain nuances here, starting from the choice of marinade for meat, ending with a properly selected oven temperature. We advise you not to take on complex dishes right away, but to start with something elementary - for example, baked chicken fillet. A man will be delighted with such a dinner.

If scrambled eggs are the basics, then omelet is the next stage of development. Cooking a delicious and lush omelet is actually not as easy as it seems. However, having mastered this dish, you will forever forget about the problem of "what would you cook for breakfast?". Although it is also suitable for lunch and dinner.

10 dishes that every woman should be able to cook, according to men

The main rule of an air omelet is a lot of eggs and not too much milk. Ideal proportion: 4 eggs per 100 ml of milk. So the omelet will turn out lush and tender, but at the same time it will be easy to remove it from the pan.

Fried fish will always help out when you need a delicious and hearty lunch in a hurry! But what pleases the most is the variety of fish on the shelves of stores — pollock, hake, salmon, pink salmon, navaga, etc. It is enough to understand the very essence of cooking, and then just buy the fish that you have to taste.

10 dishes that every woman should be able to cook, according to men

You can fry fish just like that, or you can make breadcrumbs. The simplest consists of flour, salt and favorite spices. Roll the pieces of fish in this composition and put them in a hot frying pan. Then you can experiment with more complex recipes, for example, to cook fish in batter.

Mashed potatoes will be an excellent side dish for both fish and baked chicken, so you just have to learn how to cook it. This is a fairly simple dish that does not require any special culinary skills. Just boil the potatoes, remember them and add salt.

10 dishes that every woman should be able to cook, according to men

But to make the puree really tasty, add butter and a little milk to it. Some housewives also add eggs, cream or sour cream. It all depends on your taste preferences.

It is difficult even to estimate approximately the number of salads that exist in all cuisines of the world! The most famous are "Caesar", "Fur Coat" and, of course, "Olivier". There are also more refined salads: "Caprese", "Waldorf" and "Nicoise". And someone generally "comes up with" their own recipes every day, collecting salads from those products that are lying around in the refrigerator.

10 dishes that every woman should be able to cook, according to men

We suggest that you master at least a few simple salad recipes to begin with. And then you can try your hand at something more complicated, for example, to prepare a salad with pomegranate seeds or "Caesar" as in a restaurant.

Pancakes are the perfect breakfast option! But depending on the filling, they are also suitable for lunch and dinner. The main thing is to learn how to cook pancakes themselves. Many novice housewives have problems with this ... If you cook too thin dough, the pancakes will tear; because of too thick dough, they will turn out to be flour and "clogged".

10 dishes that every woman should be able to cook, according to men

Even an incorrectly selected frying pan can affect the quality of pancakes. Therefore, for the first time we recommend using this simple and proven recipe:

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly so that there are no lumps in the dough. Fry in a well-heated frying pan until golden brown, and then turn the pancake to the other side.

Pies are different — both complex and simple. We recommend starting the first steps in cooking such dishes with something elementary, for example, a pie with apples on kefir. What kind of man would refuse this delicious, fragrant delicacy?

10 dishes that every woman should be able to cook, according to men

Well, then it all depends on you! You can stop at this dish, and you can continue to master the art of delicious baking. Earlier we shared recipes of the best pies in the world, and we are sure that you can do them!

Would you say "it's hard to spoil pasta"? Any man will argue with you! This truly bachelor dish requires, albeit insignificant, but still culinary skills.

10 dishes that every woman should be able to cook, according to men

With the right approach to cooking, pasta will turn out not a little worse than in a restaurant. And this is the right way to a man's heart! Therefore, remember:

