10 curative drinks for colds

With the cold winter season again increases the risk of hypothermia and catching cold. To suppress the sickness in the Bud, you can do without antibiotics: it is time to strike at disease healing drinks, the use of which has been proven even by our grandmothers. We present you ten such remedies for the common cold.

10 curative drinks for colds
10 curative drinks for colds

1. Warm tea with honey and lemon.

10 curative drinks for colds

2. Raspberry tea with Linden flowers.

10 curative drinks for colds

3. Rosehip tea.

10 curative drinks for colds

4. Cranberry or lingonberry.

10 curative drinks for colds

5. Hot milk with mineral water.

10 curative drinks for colds

6. Milk with garlic.

10 curative drinks for colds

7. Compote of dried fruits.

10 curative drinks for colds

8. Ginger tea with lemon.

10 curative drinks for colds

9. Mulled wine.

10 curative drinks for colds

10. Chamomile tea.

Keywords: Drinks | Tea

