10 common fears that stop scaring when you get used to them
Phobias and fears have almost every one of us: someone is afraid of the dark, someone's height, and there are more specific phobias, e.g., fear of vampires or numbers 13. In any case, there are things that make us nervous, but it turns out that some of them are actually not terrible.
It's about these phobias we want to tell you below.
Of course, such an outcome is possible — we already told you about the earthquakes, all included in the history because of its fatal consequences. But such powerful natural disasters happen very rarely — usually tremors go unnoticed to humans.
In addition, the modern architecture ensures resistance to fluctuations in the earth's surface. Which, unfortunately, cannot be said about the old buildings without any maintenance.
Internet users with great caution visiting websites classified as 18 and, after completing all their dirty work, immediately begin to clean the computer from viruses. It is believed that these sites malware the most, however, statistics show that viruses are teeming with... religious portals. Unexpectedly, right?
Most likely, this is due to the fact that the web pages devoted to the Church and religion usually are users who are not versed in the Internet and do not know how to protect themselves from virus attacks.
At least the terrorists actually very dangerous, statistically, more people kill ordinary American children. This happens due to the fact that in USA almost all the residents have weapons (it even give each other for Christmas!), and when curious students find it at home they, of course, tries to experience it in action.
Turbulence, and in the language of pilots, "buffeting" is completely normal during the flight. It can be compared to riding on the bumps on the car. It occurs due to constant changes in pressure, temperature, direction and wind speed. For this reason air masses are heterogeneous, and when the plane passes through them, there is an unpleasant vibration. This is the very turbulence that many people are afraid of.
Statistics show that people with any mental disorder most often becomes the victim of insults and mockery than offend someone myself. And all those terrible and cruel maniacs that we see in the movies and the news, are usually staying in sound mind and memory when committing his crimes.
Most bees are harmless when they are away from their cells. These insects are aggressive only in those cases when they have to defend their home. But if you came across one of them in a random place, do not be afraid, and certainly not waving — bee won't bite.
These pipes look very dangerous and harmful, but in fact they emit water vapor, which is absolutely safe for the environment. Of course, there are other plants, other types of fumes, however, be aware that some of them bear no harm!
It is physically impossible. The aircraft door is securely closed by sealing. To open them, someone will need power to move the whole ton of air masses.
The likelihood that you will find in the bedroom a black widow is practically zero, so afraid to shake bites "home" spiders just not worth it. The most unpleasant that may follow it — itching and redness at the bite location.
To finally convince you here is an example from statistics. It turns out that even the champagne corks are much more dangerous spiders living in houses and apartments, as their attacks die more people.
Although lightning can indeed be fatal, a much higher chance that people will bid farewell to life, choking with a pen cap. So afraid of thunderstorms is not necessary — it is enough to observe elementary safety rules: do not use the phone and other gadgets, turn off all electrical appliances and not to come close to the wiring, it is possible to remove all jewelry, stay away from Windows and, of course, not to hide under trees.
Keywords: Interestingly | Fears | Phobia