
Flying cholitas: how are women fighting in Bolivia


Flying cholitas: how are women fighting in Bolivia

Unusual Bolivia amazed by its traditions. There are women's fights, "cholita wrestling" — one of the most interesting and ...

Ancient action movie: The incredible retreat of 10 thousand Greek mercenaries from Persia


Ancient action movie: The incredible retreat of 10 thousand ...

One of the most interesting documents left by the ancient Greeks is a work called "The Anabasis of Cyrus", translated from the ...

A complete list of the wives of Ivan the terrible. Do not stray from the account


A complete list of the wives of Ivan the terrible. Do not ...

Tsar Ivan the terrible created for himself the image of the monk on the throne, who is forced not to pray, and to rule. His ...

Blondes from Africa: why the Guanches are considered descendants of the Atlanteans


Blondes from Africa: why the Guanches are considered ...

In ancient times, the Canary Islands were inhabited by a mysterious people who were destroyed by Europeans in the Middle Ages. ...

Griselda Blanco - the cocaine queen, before whom the mafiosi trembled


Griselda Blanco - the cocaine queen, before whom the mafiosi ...

A gray-haired old woman was returning home from a butcher's shop when she was suddenly shot by a killer who flew past on a ...

The tragic story of a noble bandit Salvatore Giuliano


The tragic story of a noble bandit Salvatore Giuliano

Salvatore Giuliano is one of the national heroes of Sicily. A young man he went to the mountains and declared war on the rich, who ...

Hunghutz: Chinese mafia has seized the far East of the Russian Empire


Hunghutz: Chinese mafia has seized the far East of the ...

Translated from the Chinese "hunghutz" means "red beard". It is believed that the so-called one of the criminal clans of China, ...

People without a permanent place of residence: an Italian photographer has created a unique project about the life of Gypsies


People without a permanent place of residence: an Italian ...

Since the time when the Roma people left India about 1500 years ago, they have been constantly subjected to discrimination and ...

Photos of the Crimean War of 1853-1856


Photos of the Crimean War of 1853-1856

On September 9, 1855, after the heaviest battles, the 349-day defense of Sevastopol ended. In connection with this event, every ...

All of the people: how two clans of chimpanzees gave 4-year-old bloody war


All of the people: how two clans of chimpanzees gave ...

British zoologist Jane Goodall 45 years studying chimpanzees in the national Park of Tanzania at the Gombe stream. Thanks to her we ...

I Illustrate The Problems Of Modern Society, And Here Are My Newest 11 Works


I Illustrate The Problems Of Modern Society, And Here Are My ...

What are the things that bother you most about the world today? Is it the wars and economic problems made by powerful people that ...

Who was the real prototype of the hero of the cult film "Voroshilov shooter"


Who was the real prototype of the hero of the cult film ...

The novel "A Woman on Wednesdays", based on which the film "Voroshilov Shooter" was shot in 1999, was written by the writer Viktor ...

How a simple Mexican woman, Nestor Salgado, declared war on drug cartels


How a simple Mexican woman, Nestor Salgado, declared war on ...

Modern Mexico is a battleground between the drug mafia and citizens tired of the lawlessness of bandits. Corruption at all levels ...

Good and fluffy: the study proves that cat lady is not lonely hysteric


Good and fluffy: the study proves that cat lady is not lonely ...

They say that cats give birth alone and proud women who can't find their soul mate. A new study of American scientists proved that ...

Predator: the American hunter openly talk about his bloody Hobbies


Predator: the American hunter openly talk about his bloody ...

Some believe they are bloodthirsty, but these girls say that crying after the murder of animals and even pray over them. Two ...

The hatfields vs McCoys: how two American families gave vendetta a pig


The hatfields vs McCoys: how two American families gave ...

In the late nineteenth century on the border of the States of West Virginia and Kentucky between the two families of farmers there ...

Why do you think that only fools sit on the Internet


Why do you think that only fools sit on the Internet

Hand on heart, admit that sometimes you get annoyed because of the stupidity of the people you communicate with online. As American ...

Rotten Apple: a dark underside of new York of the 80s on the photo of Myron Zownir


Rotten Apple: a dark underside of new York of the 80s on the ...

New York- «Big Apple», which is not on all sides looks delicious. He has a rotten side, carefully hidden from tourists ' ...

Civil war in Mexico: how ordinary citizens are attacked by drug cartels


Civil war in Mexico: how ordinary citizens are attacked by ...

In 2006 the Mexican government declared war on drug cartels. Criminal clans controlled whole regions of the country and dealt with ...

"You're asking me to take out the trash, but do it without respect": the fragrant business of the American mafia


"You're asking me to take out the trash, but do it without ...

We all know that in the sphere of interests of mafia, which includes drug and arms trade, prostitution and smuggling. However, the ...

Great as obry: who were the Avars, zaprjagaevii Slavic women in the cart instead of the ox


Great as obry: who were the Avars, zaprjagaevii Slavic women ...

In the summer of 558 residents of Constantinople were seen on the streets of horsemen dressed in armor of iron plates. The soldiers ...

20 American habits that are considered rude in other countries


20 American habits that are considered rude in other countries

Behavior that, in your opinion, seems normal, in different parts of the world may seem rude and even boorish. Every nation has its ...

Bloody upbringing: Life inside the secret communities of Sierra Leone is full of perversions and pain


Bloody upbringing: Life inside the secret communities of ...

Cruelty is the norm of life for African tribes living in Sierra Leone. Rituals based on blood and pain have accompanied members of ...

The city of Orania is an example of white self-organization in the conditions of black racism


The city of Orania is an example of white self-organization ...

Since 1994, there has been a small town called Orania on the territory of South Africa. It is inhabited exclusively by white ...

One-way trip: why "dark tourists" go to dangerous countries


One-way trip: why "dark tourists" go to dangerous countries

The term "dark tourism" means visiting places that are dangerous to life. Desperate travelers go on risky trips for the sake of ...

One against all: why car mechanic Marvin Himeyer is called the last hero of the United States


One against all: why car mechanic Marvin Himeyer is called ...

Marvin Himeyer — a simple American hard worker, faced with the arbitrariness of a large corporation and city authorities. When it ...