Why baboons steal little cubs

Why baboons steal little cubs

Categories: Animals

Small animals — kittens, puppies and even pigs cause us emotion and desire to hold them. The same passion for the cubs try out African yellow baboons that we used to call the baboons. But these large and powerful apes is far from sentimentality and try to Snitch young predators not to scratch them tummy.

Why baboons steal little cubs

Baboons live in groups of 70-80 individuals and are a formidable force with which to Savannah has to be considered even a man. The main enemies of these primates in the wild are lions and leopards. A pack of baboons can repel a large cat, but not always in time.

Why baboons steal little cubs

Swift shot the predator grabs the unwary individual, a straggler looking for food from peers, and dissolves with it into the Bush to dine. That is why the baboons hate for lions and leopards, and try to put the big cats warning strike.

Why baboons steal little cubs

Monkeys are stealing predators of kittens with a single purpose — to kill the enemy baby. Most respect goes to the lions, unlike leopards prefer to live on earth, not on trees. Cruelty primates can be justified by the fact that if they don't kill the cub, then just a year or two it will start to kill them.

Why baboons steal little cubs

Sometimes monkeys accidentally find a lost cub, but most often organize these raids on lion prides. While some baboons distract adult lions, the other sneaking to the kittens, grab them and take off running. After this production do not stand on ceremony and literally tear it to pieces.

Why baboons steal little cubs

Only aware of one unusual case when a lion cub became a "pet" of the adult baboon. Strange couple accidentally saw in the Kruger National Park, located in South Africa, Safari guide Kurt Schultz. He managed to do a few shots, which show how the baboon carefully carrying the cub, comb it in every way and takes care of him.

Why baboons steal little cubs

After photos leaked, unusual couple began to compare with Rafiki and Simba from the cartoon "the lion King" and the tenderness of the users knew no bounds. Sorry, ended that friendship is natural — death little lion. No, they killed him not caring foster parent, and his colleagues. Pack of primates never would have accepted predator — these are the harsh laws of the wild.

Keywords: Lion | Leopard | National Park | Monkey | Danger | Primates | Savanna | Predators | South Africa

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