How the boy Sasha from the Crimea became the standard Aryan of the Third Reich

How the boy Sasha from the Crimea became the standard Aryan of the Third Reich

Categories: Children

Everyone is well aware of how reverently everything "Aryan"was treated in Nazi Germany. The creation of a pure-blooded Nordic race was the idea of the fix leaders of the Reich. For the sake of their goal, they did not disdain anything, even the abduction of children in the occupied territories. The Nazi program "Lebensborn" ("Source of Life"), destroyed thousands of families and brought people incredible suffering. The story of the Soviet boy Sasha Litau is an example of how criminals in military uniforms decided the fate of ordinary people at their discretion.

How the boy Sasha from the Crimea became the standard Aryan of the Third Reich

The Lebensborn program was launched in 1935 on the initiative of Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler. At first, it was a network of orphanages where German women could hand over illegitimate and simply unwanted children to be taken care of by the state. The initiative, which seemed exceptionally good, eventually turned into a real monster, a conveyor belt for creating children of the pure Aryan race.

How the boy Sasha from the Crimea became the standard Aryan of the Third Reich

In 1942, when the Germans invaded the Soviet Crimea, Sasha Litau was only three years old. He was a fair-haired, blue-eyed boy, who invariably evoked the affection of passers-by. It was the signs of a certain Nazi pseudo-scientists "genetic breed" that served the child a bad service, forever separating him from his native people.

As soon as they saw Sasha, the Germans snatched him from the hands of his parents right on the street and took him to an unknown destination. Attempts by the mother and father to find the boy were unsuccessful, and after a while, the heartbroken parents began to consider their baby dead. But Sasha was still alive. Moreover, his health was carefully taken care of by qualified personnel.

The boy, along with hundreds of other children from the Crimea, Pskov, Bryansk, Novgorod and other occupied places, was brought to the German medical institute. There, the abducted child was carefully measured, and the parameters of his skull were determined by studying the color of his eyes and hair, as well as the length of his fingers and the width of the bridge of his nose.

How the boy Sasha from the Crimea became the standard Aryan of the Third Reich

According to 52 parameters, Sasha Litau was recognized as a full-blooded Aryan and became one of the participants of the"Lebensborn". The baby was "baptized" according to a special mystical rite, where an SS officer acted as the godfather. During the ceremony, the boy Sasha from the Crimea received a new name, which, however, did not last long.

The child did not even have time to issue documents – just a month after he was assigned to the shelter, he was adopted. Sasha's father was a rich shipowner Adalbert Heinecke, whose wife could not give him heirs. The tycoon and his wife dreamed of a girl, but when a fair-haired boy ran up to them at the orphanage and put his head on Adalbert's lap, the plans changed.

The German millionaire had difficulties with the adoption of a child. Since he was deaf, he could not adopt children under the strict laws of the Reich. But money and connections soon solved the problem – the permit was issued by the Reichsfuhrer Himmler himself. So Sasha Litau became Volker Heinecke-the favorite son of rich parents.

How the boy Sasha from the Crimea became the standard Aryan of the Third Reich

He was very lucky, as the children who stayed in the shelter for a long time, remember this period of life as a real nightmare. A strict regime, monotonous food and beatings from the staff – these are just a few moments that the young students faced.

The inhumane program "Lebensborn" was created for the rapid assimilation of children from the occupied countries in the German environment. They tried to put them in families as quickly as possible, so that others could take their place. The assembly line worked non-stop, and at the age of 21, every newly born pure-blooded Aryan who grew up in an ideologically correct family had to become a creator or a warrior of Germany.

Foster parents doted on the boy and he paid them back. Despite the cordial, trusting relationship, Heinecke never told Volker that he was an adopted child. He learned the family secret after the death of his father and mother. Sorting through the papers of Adalbert Heinecke, the man found the papers relating to the adoption and decided to find out who his real parents were.

How the boy Sasha from the Crimea became the standard Aryan of the Third Reich

Volker inherited a large company and greatly increased its success. Heinecke settled in London and worked hard, but never gave up on the idea of sorting out his origins. Unfortunately, my father's papers turned out to be fake and led the search on the wrong track. But Volker did not give up – he collected 20 boxes of documents that could shed light on his secret.

The Heinecke archive contained papers from the German Red Cross, the Polish Red Cross, the International Tracing Service, the British Army of Occupation, and 30 other organizations. In 2008, the Red Cross Search Center in Germany opened an archive of Holocaust victims and there a man got on the trail. In his hands was a nondescript certificate on gray paper, which was more expensive than anything in the world!

How the boy Sasha from the Crimea became the standard Aryan of the Third Reich

The document, dated 1948, stated:

This piece of paper allowed us to find other documents, one of which indicated Volker's real name and place of birth: "Alexander Litau, born 17.10.40 Crimea". Heinecke was only a step away from the truth at the age of 70. He went to the Crimea and found his hometown, the street and the house where the family lived Litau.

How the boy Sasha from the Crimea became the standard Aryan of the Third Reich

The man met people who remembered his parents, but could not find their graves. To find a place where his real father and mother found peace is the main dream of the millionaire Volker Heinecke, to which he continues to go even now.

Even more surprising is the fate of the Jewish boy Ilya Halperin, who became the son of an SS regiment and an example for the younger generation of the Nazis.

Keywords: War | Nazis | Children | Occupation | Nazi germany

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