12 Captivating Animal Photos Of Polar Bears I Captured At The Zoo

12 Captivating Animal Photos Of Polar Bears I Captured At The Zoo

Categories: Animals | Art | Beauty | Photo project | World

Hello, this is Mac So, the zoo photographer.

When we hear about zoos, many people often have a negative perception, feeling that they deprive animals of their natural wild habitats and confine them within human-made structures for entertainment. I share some of these sentiments. Zoos, after all, are products of human desires and ego.

However, it's also a fact that the role and mission of modern zoos extend beyond merely satisfying human desires. Zoos also serve various purposes such as the protection of animals, ecological observation, research, environmental conservation awareness, and education.

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12 Captivating Animal Photos Of Polar Bears I Captured At The Zoo

#1 Wow!

Now, I currently reside in Sapporo, Hokkaido. So, this time, I’d like to introduce some of my work as a zoo photographer, incorporating scenes from Sapporo Maruyama Zoo, one of my activity bases, along with photographs taken on-site.

12 Captivating Animal Photos Of Polar Bears I Captured At The Zoo

#2 To Hold A Bone In Its Mouth

12 Captivating Animal Photos Of Polar Bears I Captured At The Zoo

#3 Commemorative Photo Shoot

The catalyst for me to delve into zoo photography, particularly focusing on animal portraits, was Sapporo Maruyama Zoo, especially the polar bears. Hence, I’ll primarily introduce the polar bears of Maruyama Zoo.

12 Captivating Animal Photos Of Polar Bears I Captured At The Zoo

#4 Parent-Child Meeting (Lala & Lila)

12 Captivating Animal Photos Of Polar Bears I Captured At The Zoo

#5 Hi

Since its renovation in March 2018, the polar bear facilities at Maruyama Zoo have attracted crowds of visitors daily. It’s always packed. Many people come to see the polar bears swimming in the pool, and I’ve visited countless times, looking forward to it as well.

12 Captivating Animal Photos Of Polar Bears I Captured At The Zoo

#6 Underwater Diving

12 Captivating Animal Photos Of Polar Bears I Captured At The Zoo

#7 White & Red In Blue

However, due to the large crowds, capturing good shots wasn’t easy, and it also depended on whether the polar bears felt like swimming or not.

In such circumstances, moments where I could capture the shots I desired were rare but blissful.

12 Captivating Animal Photos Of Polar Bears I Captured At The Zoo

#8 Okay, Pose!

12 Captivating Animal Photos Of Polar Bears I Captured At The Zoo

#9 Looking Up

Thank you, Lala & Lila (the nicknames for the polar bears). I encourage you to gather more information about Hokkaido, the city of Sapporo, and Maruyama Zoo from their website and Instagram.

12 Captivating Animal Photos Of Polar Bears I Captured At The Zoo

#10 Everyone, Look Up!

12 Captivating Animal Photos Of Polar Bears I Captured At The Zoo

#12 Hello From Above!

Keywords: Animal Photos | Polar bears | Zoo | At Zoo | Zoo photography | Zoo photographer

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