
15 amazing images of Earth from satellite


15 amazing images of Earth from satellite

Unique picture of our planet's incredible beauty, the authenticity of which is hard to believe. Mountains, clouds and oceans form ...

The beauty of our world


The beauty of our world

Photographer Alex Maclean has created this stunning series of shots from aboard his plane, the plane "Cessna 182". Located at an ...

Autumn in the mountains of Kazakhstan from height of bird's flight


Autumn in the mountains of Kazakhstan from height of bird's ...

In this issue you will see the beautiful autumn landscapes of Kazakhstan photographer Gregory Bedenko.

Happy birthday, Los Angeles: City of Angels from the height of bird flight


Happy birthday, Los Angeles: City of Angels from the height ...

September 4 — the day of Foundation of the city of Los Angeles. This legendary city, the capital of the stars, appeared on the ...

The beauty of France with altitude


The beauty of France with altitude

Ah, France! The fragrance Chanel No. 5, the sound of the violin, mimes, the Eiffel tower and a ton of romance. It is a country of ...

37 photos that will be able to do with unmanned drone


37 photos that will be able to do with unmanned drone

The popularity of a photo taken with unmanned aerial vehicles, can be compared with records of incredible stunts from a ...

6 amazing things created by man that can be seen from space


6 amazing things created by man that can be seen from space

The earth is large, and for several thousands of people filled her huge and amazing things: the pyramids, the giant walls, cities, ...

Fighting machines of world war II, lost on a remote island in the Pacific ocean


Fighting machines of world war II, lost on a remote island in ...

Incredible images with height revealed the traces of the Second world war in the Pacific. What's left of the fighting machines ...

Pictures of salt-works from the height that blur the lines between photography and painting


Pictures of salt-works from the height that blur the lines ...

Canadian photographer David Burdeny (David Burdeny) for some time working on a major project. He began to make a series of SALT ...

Dubai from the height of bird flight


Dubai from the height of bird flight

Dubai upset. Rapidly, in a big way. And it is best seen from the height of bird flight.

Night Las Vegas from a height


Night Las Vegas from a height

15 may 1905 was based in Las Vegas, the Sin City in the desert of Nevada, which for many years became a symbol of gambling, sex and ...

Venice from the height of bird flight


Venice from the height of bird flight

Venice – it's a wonderful, extraordinarily beautiful and romantic city of Italy. Today we go on a helicopter over the ...

Britain from the height of bird flight


Britain from the height of bird flight

Virtually any photographs taken from a height, fascinate and captivate. Especially if location has something to show. And the UK is ...

Iceland from the height of bird flight


Iceland from the height of bird flight

Iceland is a dream for a geologist. In addition to the volcanoes in this small island country has glaciers, rocky coastline, ...

Slovenia from the height of bird flight


Slovenia from the height of bird flight

Slovenian scientist CSKA Boat (Matjaž Čater) has a PhD in forest ecophysiology and works at the Slovenian Forestry Institute. And ...