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If you believe all these photos in the past was terrifying
If you believe all these photos in the past was terrifying

It is unclear what affects the perception of these photos. Perhaps the fact that they are black and white, and maybe some kind of ...

The secret of the Tonsure: why Catholic monks shaved the top of their heads
The secret of the Tonsure: why Catholic monks shaved the top ...

For many of us, the image of a Catholic monk is inextricably linked with a black cassock and a tonsure – a neatly shaved crown. ...

The story of Maurice Tillet — a real Shrek from Chelyabinsk
The story of Maurice Tillet — a real Shrek from Chelyabinsk

Having released several parts of the animated film "Shrek", the DreamWorks film studio, for some reason, hid the fact that the ...