Health and Medicine

A hair scrunchie almost made a woman disabled


A hair scrunchie almost made a woman disabled

Each of us has habits that we consider harmless. But among them there may be those that can cost us our health. A resident of ...

What's in your mouth, close-up


What's in your mouth, close-up

What you see in these photos may look like rare plants or exotic landscapes, but in fact it's... bacteria that nestles on your ...

Why did people go to bed twice a night in the Middle Ages


Why did people go to bed twice a night in the Middle Ages

A good sound sleep is the key to health. That's what we've all been taught since childhood. Of course, in order to get enough ...

Reusable plastic bottles turned out to be dangerous for humans


Reusable plastic bottles turned out to be dangerous for humans

A lot has been said and written about the dangers of disposable plastic bottles. Many environmental organizations persistently ...

Scientists have found that smart people stay young longer


Scientists have found that smart people stay young longer

It is well known that giving up bad habits, physical activity and good sleep can prolong a person's youth. More recently, another ...

Why men are attracted to women's breasts


Why men are attracted to women's breasts

It's no secret that all heterosexual men simply adore women's breasts. There are fans of different sizes, shapes and other ...

Why do you dream about tooth loss


Why do you dream about tooth loss

People dream about tooth loss quite often. At the same time, neither gender, nor age, nor other features of a person play a role. ...

"Slavic squat" why are we comfortable in an unnatural position?


"Slavic squat" why are we comfortable in an unnatural position?

When it comes to the squat, there are often heated debate. There are two camps, one of which are those who believe this provision ...

Dead of his own volition: scientists have described the phenomenon of death due to the loss of the will to live


Dead of his own volition: scientists have described the ...

Everyone knows such an expression as "died of boredom", which was especially loved by romantic writers of the 19th century. Many ...

When the longing for chicken breast: food blogger showed how to lose weight, replacing the usual products


When the longing for chicken breast: food blogger showed how ...

Losing extra pounds is hard. This requires a healthy portion of dedication, self-improvement and strict discipline, especially when ...

What happens to a person who fell asleep in the cold


What happens to a person who fell asleep in the cold

Man is so constituted that it can freeze to death in -30 and -2 degrees Celsius. Everything depends on the surrounding conditions, ...

Heads of state who ruled the country despite health problems


Heads of state who ruled the country despite health problems

There are many examples in the history of world politics when heads of state ruled their countries despite serious health problems. ...

Why pigs are used as organ donors for humans, and not monkeys


Why pigs are used as organ donors for humans, and not monkeys

Organ transplantation is a complex and risky operation, which is resorted to in extreme cases. Usually, a transplant is done if ...

The story of a Portuguese "chicken girl" who grew up in a poultry house


The story of a Portuguese "chicken girl" who grew up in a ...

Rudyard Kipling's cheerful story about a boy raised by animals has little to do with harsh reality. In real life, there is ...

How to deal with a hangover in different countries of the world


How to deal with a hangover in different countries of the world

We know-we know, many of you overdid it a little tonight! Many of our compatriots are struggling with the consequences of a fun ...

Why do men suffer from colds and flu more severely than women?


Why do men suffer from colds and flu more severely than women?

Everyone is well aware of purely feminine jokes about men “dying” at a temperature of 37.2. They are perceived as a hint at the ...

Syphilis and personality - which historical persons are suspected of a bad disease


Syphilis and personality - which historical persons are ...

As you know, neither genius nor merit to the fatherland and the people do not make a person invulnerable from ailments. Therefore, ...

10 tips for skin care during the cold season


10 tips for skin care during the cold season

About the skin should be taken care of, regardless of the time of year. In the summer we worried about UV rays and the damage to ...

Death from hypothermia: what happens to the human body at low temperatures


Death from hypothermia: what happens to the human body at low ...

We all know that walking in extreme cold is dangerous, but few people know what happens to the human body at these moments.

Vapes disguised as school supplies and toys flood the market


Vapes disguised as school supplies and toys flood the market

Smoking is a bad habit and it doesn’t matter what a person smokes - cigarettes, a pipe, or a fashionable vape. It is especially ...

A British woman suffers from a rare disease that makes her fall in love with everyone she meets.


A British woman suffers from a rare disease that makes her ...

Alexandra Birch from the UK suffers from a rare congenital disorder - Williams syndrome. It is transmitted through genes and ...

From soap to antibiotics: 6 myths about the vagina that can not be believed


From soap to antibiotics: 6 myths about the vagina that can ...

Almost every woman in her life has faced problems of intimate health. There are many myths around gynecological diseases that ...

Health and mayonnaise salads: what happens if you overeat


Health and mayonnaise salads: what happens if you overeat

During the holidays, you can often find salads with mayonnaise in every family's refrigerator. They have become an integral ...

Winter, cold, cracked lip: 8 tips for skin care in the cold season


Winter, cold, cracked lip: 8 tips for skin care in the cold ...

Cold weather brings with it not only a wave of colds, but also skin problems. The body regularly suffers from a sharp change in ...

5 simple ways to improve the quality of life, get rid of depression and lose weight


5 simple ways to improve the quality of life, get rid of ...

It turns out that by adjusting your diet and lifestyle, you can not only get rid of excess weight, but also solve mental health ...

Where do the flies in the eyes come from and is it possible to get rid of them


Where do the flies in the eyes come from and is it possible ...

Many are familiar with such a phenomenon as flies in front of their eyes. These are floating muddy spots and dots of different ...