Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard

Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard

Categories: Water

Street artist Sean Yoro, under the pseudonym Hula, created an amazing series of street art, depicting women coming out of the water on the concrete walls of abandoned structures. Surprisingly, a Hawaiian craftsman living in New York had to work standing or sitting on a surfboard while balancing on the water along with cans of paint.

Sean puts pictures of his creations on his personal website and Instagram page.

Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard

Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard

Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard

Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard

Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard

Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard

Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard

Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard

Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard

Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard

Women coming out of the water — the creation of an artist balancing on a surfboard

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