Why we are no longer afraid of bats

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

Categories: Animals

For some reason, people are afraid of bats. Probably because they fly at night, feed on blood (in fact, only three species drink blood), carry rabies (again, less than 1 percent carry the virus) and have not too pretty appearance.

We want to restore justice and show that bats are cute creatures that are not going to drink your blood, but rather eat a delicious fruit or insect. In addition, they will make wonderful pets.

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

They also like smoothies.

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

Well, is it possible to be afraid of these kids?

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

They also like to cuddle.

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

They have very mobile ears.

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

Like all pets, they like to be scratched.

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

Mmm, watermelon.

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

It looks like bats just like to eat.

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

Captain Jack Sparrow is definitely not afraid of them.

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

Why we are no longer afraid of bats

Keywords: Bats | Milota | Fear

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