Which countries do the most terrible tourists come from

Which countries do the most terrible tourists come from

Categories: Travel

Travel blogger Sergey Anashkevich has published a rating of the most terrible tourists. Do you think Russians top the list? And here it is not.

Russian tourists have not the best reputation in the world. What can I say, having reached the vacation and the "all inclusive", some of our people are able to scare away the districts closest to the resort with only one "tagil". And where there is a lot of alcohol, rudeness, fights, petty thefts and other unpleasant antics begin. However, recently, the Russian tourist seems to have improved, and it is not Russians who are now afraid abroad.

Which countries do the most terrible tourists come from Source: LiveJournal/aquatek-filips

Which countries do the most terrible tourists come from

The Chinese

The championship in the ranking of the worst tourists belongs to the representatives of the Middle Kingdom. Everyone knows perfectly well how densely crowded the Chinese tourist market is. However, as well as about their behavior at airports. Just one fact — the Chinese government had to publish an official memo for passengers on how to behave on board and at airports.

The cases listed in the memo are based on complaints from passengers and airport employees. Among the cases for which the Chinese will be severely punished and even brought to criminal responsibility are blocking actions or attacking airport employees and crew members, illegal entry onto the apron or runway, destruction and damage to airport facilities, opening aircraft doors, damage to aircraft equipment and transportation of dangerous tools.

Chinese residents are no better off with their behavior in hotels and places of cultural leisure. Often, after the visit of a tourist group, employees have to spend money on minor major repairs of the room (there are many cases when the Chinese flooded neighbors and spoiled the rooms).

Well, the phrase "no photos" completely shocks the Chinese. Fans of capturing every second of their lives, they usually spit on the rules and take out smartphones both during performances and in galleries.

Another problem is eating. In China, it is considered normal to make ugly noises at the table, spit out fish bones on a plate and even throw garbage under the table, which shocks waiters in restaurants.

Which countries do the most terrible tourists come from

The British

In second place in the list were residents of the UK. Polite, friendly and attentive tourists are instantly transformed, just slightly sipping a glass. Running naked down the street, jumping from the balcony into the pool, fighting with your own shadow — there are many examples on the web when supposedly prim Englishmen opened up to the audience from the other side, it's enough to Google "drunk Briton"…

The mayor of the Croatian resort island of Hvar, tired of local British tourists, announced a fine of 700 euros for those who will drink alcohol in public places.

It is not only noisy companies with alcohol that stain the name of Great Britain. Food poisoning fraud, which involves receiving compensation from hotels for fictitious illnesses, has already reached epidemic proportions in Spain and other European countries.

One couple, who, according to them, earned stomach cramps and severe diarrhea due to hotel food, was angry when it turned out that they had tried 109 alcoholic beverages during their vacation.

Which countries do the most terrible tourists come from

The Germans

The Germans took bronze. If the British drink, then these are boring. For most German tourists, the rules are sacred. And if the menu at the hotel turns out to be monotonous, and there is no terrace in the bedroom indicated in the brochure, they will most likely start demanding compensation.

Sometimes the claims go completely to the point of absurdity. So, one of the clients of a German travel company, while on vacation, ordered three beers for himself at every dinner. Each new glass was slightly different in volume from the previous one, but the vigilant German recorded all the volumes of under-filling. When he returned home, he sent a detailed claim, in which all the under-drunk milliliters with current prices were recalculated.

The second problem is constant complaints. A few years ago, the book "Sorry, but your hotel burned down" (Sorry, Ihr Hotel ist abgebrannt) was even published, where the authors collected the most absurd and ridiculous complaints of Germans during travel.

So, one of the diving enthusiasts accused tour operators of breaking his neck through their fault. And he didn't dive anywhere. In his complaint, the client noted that it was all about a flat-screen TV that was hanging on the wall in the wrong place. Because of this, lying in bed, the tourist was forced to constantly turn his head until something stuck in the back of his head. The three days he could spend enjoying scuba diving were spent on rehabilitation.

Which countries do the most terrible tourists come from


Going on a trip, Americans are not averse to drinking too much and going for petty theft. The result is drunken antics, a toilet where it is necessary, disappeared things from hotel rooms and boundless rudeness. In addition, most American tourists believe that on vacation they are free to do (and also get) whatever they want. If the hotel employee refuses to fulfill the request, he is kicked in the legs (or by the collar, as lucky as he is) dollar bills are flying.

The second problem of Americans is that they are constantly getting lost or losing their belongings, which causes unnecessary trouble to travel agency employees.

Which countries do the most terrible tourists come from


The behavior of Israelis on vacation is often not much different from the behavior of the British and Americans — the same drunkenness and theft. However, by their nature they are more temperamental, so noisy gatherings take place in the rooms until the morning, which often worries other vacationers.

Another negative feature of tourists from the Promised Land is tiny-fighting. If the hotel owners are willing to put up with the antics of the Chinese for the sake of additional profit, then it is hardly possible to get an extra dollar from the Israelis.

Which countries do the most terrible tourists come from


After all, the list of the worst tourists in the world could not do without our compatriots. And here everything is quite predictable: stolen toiletries, dishes and household appliances, drunken brawls, broken hotel furniture and boorish attitude towards the staff. Well, our tourists still have something to work on. "Russo turisto oblico morale"…

Keywords: Rating | List | Tourism | Tourists

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