Vikki Dugan is a model nicknamed the Back, who became the prototype of the seductive Jessica Rabbit

Vikki Dugan is a model nicknamed the Back, who became the prototype of the seductive Jessica Rabbit

Categories: Fashion

It's no secret that modern culture is obsessed, sorry, with priests. Such secular party girls as Kim Kardashian and Nicki Minaj create an image at the expense of their fifth point. However, they are far from the first to focus on the place just below the back.

In the 1950s, the public was excited by Vickie Dugan. This model used to wear dresses with an extremely open back. By the way, it was she who became the prototype of Jessica Rabbit's animated sex bomb.

Vikki Dugan is a model nicknamed the Back, who became the prototype of the seductive Jessica Rabbit

Vikki Dugan is a model nicknamed the Back, who became the prototype of the seductive Jessica Rabbit

Vikki Dugan was born in 1929. Already at the age of 16, appearance helped the girl win a number of beauty contests. At the same time, she married William Simons, the owner of a photo studio. But the more Vicky's popularity increased, the worse the relationship between the spouses was.

Vikki Dugan is a model nicknamed the Back, who became the prototype of the seductive Jessica Rabbit

In the early 1950s, Vikki Dugan was mainly the face of advertising campaigns. Then she got her first role in the film "Return from Eternity". It is worth noting that Vikki's film career did not work out. For 10 years of attempts, the girl starred in only seven films and three television series. Not a single main role.

Vikki Dugan is a model nicknamed the Back, who became the prototype of the seductive Jessica Rabbit

The real fame came to Vikki Dugan after meeting Hollywood publicist Milton Weiss. Weiss suggested that Vikki create an image of a sex bomb, and she agreed. Initially, the publicist ordered three insanely expensive exclusive dresses for the girl. They were long, elegant and... with a completely open back. It was in them that Vicky appeared at all parties and movie premieres. The press dubbed her the nickname The Back — Back.

Vikki Dugan is a model nicknamed the Back, who became the prototype of the seductive Jessica Rabbit


Vikki Dugan is a model nicknamed the Back, who became the prototype of the seductive Jessica Rabbit

Weiss's plan worked flawlessly. The tabloids kept writing about Vickie Dugan. The fatal beauty was not even allowed to attend some movie premieres, because actresses complained that she was pulling all the attention on herself. In 1957, Vikki Dugan attracted the attention of Hugh Hefner and starred for Playboy magazine. When asked why she only wears dresses with an open back, Vicky replied: "And what to do if I have such small breasts."

Vikki Dugan is a model nicknamed the Back, who became the prototype of the seductive Jessica Rabbit


Vikki Dugan is a model nicknamed the Back, who became the prototype of the seductive Jessica Rabbit


Vikki Dugan is a model nicknamed the Back, who became the prototype of the seductive Jessica Rabbit

In the 1960s, interest in the person of Vikki Dugan began to disappear. Her image no longer shocked anyone.

Vikki Dugan is a model nicknamed the Back, who became the prototype of the seductive Jessica Rabbit


Vikki Dugan is a model nicknamed the Back, who became the prototype of the seductive Jessica Rabbit

People started talking about Vicky Dugan again when animators copied her image, creating the character Jessica Rabbit from the animated film "Who Framed Roger Rabbit". Sexy Jessica had not only an open-back dress borrowed from Vicky, but also the same way of speaking.

Keywords: 1950s | 50s | XX century | Model | Character | Prototype | Sexuality | Back

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