Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes

Categories: Cinema

Recently, it does not leave a feeling that they cannot come up with new plots, so every year another remake of old films appears in the cinema. Or maybe it's because many of the original paintings have long been forgotten and require updating.

The more interesting it is to find differences between the original films and their modern versions. And there are a lot of these differences. Let's use the example of 25 films to see how cinema has evolved.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Ninja turtles have grown up great.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Wonder Woman has acquired armor in 43 years.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes But Captain America has not changed his form.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Well, Wolverine doesn't change at all.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Superhero Flash somehow, on the contrary, has become younger over the years.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Exo-Man and Iron Man.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes The Incredible Hulk has become even bigger.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Karate kid.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes You don't recognize a crazy professor.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Willy Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Spider-Man is also getting younger from movie to movie.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Batman, of course, has dramatically changed his costume. Now it looks more like armor.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Stephen King's Pennywise clown continues to scare children and adults.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Lara Croft.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Alice in Wonderland is getting more and more wonderful.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Thor in the 1978 and 2015 films.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Dr. Strange, 1978 and 2016.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Catwoman in 1966 and 2012.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes The Joker, 1966 and 2016.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Robocop, 1987 and 2014.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Penguin, Oswald Cobblepot, in 1966 and 1992.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Power Rangers in 1993 and 2017.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Fantastic Four, 1994 and 2015.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Aquaman in 2011 and 2018.

Then and Now: How original superhero movies differ from Remakes Daredevil in 1989 and 2015.

Keywords: Before and after | Comics | Original | Remake | Comparison | Superheroes | Then and now | Movies

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