The second life of computers or the reincarnation of technology

The second life of computers or the reincarnation of technology

Categories: Life hacks

Many of us are familiar with the worries about the premature loss of a computer that has become an indispensable assistant and even friend. But do not despair and take your friend to the dump - with the help of your imagination and our tips, you can give him a second life. This post can be used simply to cheer up and evaluate human ingenuity, or as a guide to action. So, we disassemble the computer in parts and begin reincarnation ...

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The second life of computers or the reincarnation of technology

The second life of computers or the reincarnation of technology

1. The monitor makes a great cage for a hamster. Moreover, the more “fashionable” your old monitor was, the more “designer” your rodent’s new home will be, respectively.

The second life of computers or the reincarnation of technology

2. Particularly advanced "reincarnators" can even build an aquarium from the monitor.

The second life of computers or the reincarnation of technology

3. Even if you had a flat screen - don't worry! Of course, you can’t put a hamster or a fish in it, but it can be successfully used as a canvas for a young talent.

The second life of computers or the reincarnation of technology

4. From the system unit, you can easily get a wonderful brazier! Which, of course, is extremely important in the light of the dacha-barbecue season that has begun.

The second life of computers or the reincarnation of technology

5. Well, this is already the reincarnation of the 181st level! Namely, a coffee machine built into the old system unit. Here, of course, one fantasy is no longer enough, you will also need technical knowledge and very skilled hands.

The second life of computers or the reincarnation of technology

6. The old printer itself is asking to become a new version of the old "Soviet" bread box. Well, it's very similar...

The second life of computers or the reincarnation of technology

7. A great find for a picnic - a former CD drive as a means for cutting sausages. We have no doubts - the one who came up with this is a real genius!

The second life of computers or the reincarnation of technology

8. Continuing the theme of picnics and CDs: this is how easy it is to make a “spill-proof” bottle out of an ordinary bottle and never again be upset about an overturned beer.

The second life of computers or the reincarnation of technology

9. For those who have accumulated a lot of unnecessary disks and a lot of free time - this is such an idea for a designer chair. Its convenience is a big question, but beauty and originality are beyond doubt.

The second life of computers or the reincarnation of technology

10. The keyboard can be turned into an original cover for a book or diary.

The second life of computers or the reincarnation of technology

11. If you have several keyboards and a creative mind, it is possible that even this (or some other, no less beautiful) bag can turn out.

The second life of computers or the reincarnation of technology

12. Computer boards are very beautiful, even when they stop working! You can make a lot of useful things out of them - for example, such a tablet, a frame for a photo, or just a bunch of key rings.

The second life of computers or the reincarnation of technology

13. In general, there are a lot of different beautiful things in the computer. If you connect creative fantasy and imagination, then you can get cute Christmas decorations or even decorations.

The second life of computers or the reincarnation of technology

14. But from the hard drive you get a very useful knife sharpener in the household.

The second life of computers or the reincarnation of technology

15. By the way, your data can also get a second life, already on a new device, if you take care of backup in advance. And then the "burning" of the computer will not become an irreparable loss and tragedy, and making a cage for a hamster from a monitor will be much more pleasant!

Keywords: Computer | Laptop | Fantasy

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