The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

Categories: Animals | Water

Probably each of us has met jellyfish while relaxing at sea resorts, and usually meeting with these underwater inhabitants does not bring anything positive. But you will be surprised at how beautiful and diverse these spineless inhabitants of the seas can be.

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

Jellyfish can be flat, elongated, but the most common jellyfish have a domed body.

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

Their sizes also vary - jellyfish can be very tiny and can grow up to two meters in diameter, and their bundles of tentacles can reach a length of 30 meters.

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

There are also colorless, almost transparent individuals, but the "nocturnal" jellyfish amaze with their beauty, striking even seasoned sailors with their beauty, not that ordinary people.

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

Jellyfish are one of the oldest representatives of the animal world: they appeared more than 650 million years ago. This means that they are older than dinosaurs and sharks.

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

Jellyfish are still not fully studied, because some species of jellyfish live at a depth of up to 10 thousand meters.

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

Today, in some countries, such as Japan and China, jellyfish are eaten.

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

Jellyfish consist of about 95% water, 3-4% salt and 1-2% protein. They also have no heart, no eyes, no circulatory system, no gills.

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

The poison contained in the tentacles of jellyfish is dangerous to humans. Some jellyfish can sting like nettles, and the effect of the burn will last for several days, while others can cause paralysis that can lead to death.

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

The weight of large jellyfish can reach up to two hundredweight, but somehow the jellyfish are not able to resist the current.

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

Depending on the type of jellyfish, their color can be white, pink, yellow, orange, red, blue, green and multicolored.

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

Jellyfish are able to navigate and hunt in pitch darkness.

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

Most jellyfish consist of three parts: a gelatinous body; tentacles that sting and catch prey; and an openwork mouth that absorbs food.

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

The jellyfish got its name because of its similarity to the moving hair-snakes of the legendary Gorgon Medusa from Greek mythology.

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

Jellyfish seem to be supernatural creatures largely due to their strange shapes and colors. Nature has created them in a special way: their body resembles an umbrella, or a bell, sometimes a ball

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

Jellyfish can live at a depth of about 10,000 m . Scientists still know very little about jellyfish, in particular, how a creature without a brain can navigate in pitch darkness and actively hunt.

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

Jellyfish are often used in medicine. Even in the Middle Ages, diuretics and laxatives were made from the root root. And now, from the poison contained in the tentacles of jellyfish, drugs are being developed to treat lung diseases and regulate blood pressure

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

Jellyfish help to fight stress! In Japan, jellyfish are bred in aquariums. Smooth, unhurried movements of jellyfish calm people down, although it is very troublesome and expensive to keep jellyfish.

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

The box jellyfish, or as it is also called, the sea wasp, kills more people every year than any other sea creatures. Her bite can kill in 3 minutes!, and she can swim at a speed of 2 meters per second

The most beautiful and bright jellyfish

The largest jellyfish in the world is the Arctic giant jellyfish (Cyanea capillata aretica), which lives in the north-western Atlantic. One of the representatives of this species, washed ashore in Massachusetts Bay, had a bell diameter of 2.28 m, and its tentacles extended 36.5 m.

Keywords: Jellyfish | Underwater inhabitants

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