The FBI believes that the Russian FaceApp poses a threat to US state security

The FBI believes that the Russian FaceApp poses a threat to US state security

Categories: North America | Technology

It seems that the Cold War has returned and the Russians have once again become the number one threat to the United States. At least, there is every reason to believe so, after listening to the FBI reports. Recently, they stated that any software created in Russia, poses a serious threat to America. The internationally popular mobile photo processing application FaceApp also appeared in the list of unreliable products.

The FBI believes that the Russian FaceApp poses a threat to US state security

It all started with the fact that the senator from New York, Democrat Chuck Schumer, for some reason asked the FBI to check FaceApp for danger to the country and directly to the American people. Special agents took up this work and, very soon, Senator Schumer published the result of the check on his Twitter.

In the text of the official document, which does not make any sense in full, it is said that any software created in The Russian Federation, not excluding FaceApp, certainly poses a danger to the United States as a potential counterintelligence threat.

The FBI believes that the Russian FaceApp poses a threat to US state security

Senator Chuck Schumer

At the end of the letter, it is indicated that if the FBI discovers that government officials, political parties or companies will become objects of foreign influence using FaceApp, then measures will be taken.

The program that bothered the policy and the special services was created by the St. Petersburg company Wireless Lab, whose founder Yaroslav Goncharov was previously an employee of Yandex. FaceApp works on the basis of neural networks and makes it possible to age or, conversely, rejuvenate a person's face in a photo, as well as change his hairstyle, add a mustache or beard, and even change his gender.

The FBI believes that the Russian FaceApp poses a threat to US state security

Although the developers of the service are in In Russia, the application does not use domestic servers for data storage. User information is processed by neural networks in the cloud, and then, after receiving the result, it is automatically deleted. Wireless Lab has repeatedly emphasized that the company not only does not transfer data to third parties, but does not even store them.The Kremlin immediately reacted to the publication of Senator Schumer on Twitter, calling it part of the unfair competition of American manufacturers Software with Russian competitors.

The FBI believes that the Russian FaceApp poses a threat to US state security

This is how Vladimir Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov expressed his point of view on the incident. In the end, he added that the FBI is unlikely to be able to influence the popularity of the Russian program in such a primitive way.

It is quite obvious that with the current level of technology and Internet communications, the confrontation between the West and The East will be more tense than in the last century, when spy tricks could be touched with your hands.

Keywords: Security | Enemy | Image | Program | Confrontation | Fbi | Spy | Experts

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