Guinness World Records has released a commemorative edition of their Book of Records. It was first published in 1955 by order of the Irish brewing company Guinness. Today, the book is published in 23 languages and published in more than 100 countries around the world. The first edition in Russian was published in 1989. has selected some amazing new records from Guinnes World Records 2015.
(Total 23 photos)
1. The world's largest playable guitar was created by students at the Texas Academy of Science and Technology. Its length was more than 13 meters, and the weight exceeded 900 kilograms.
2. The new edition of the book includes the longest cat jump. The animal managed to overcome 1.83 meters.
3. 26-year-old Nancy Siefker (Nancy Siefker) set the record for the farthest bow shot with her feet. A circus performer from California managed to launch an arrow at 6.09 meters.
4. 47-year-old Nick Bennett (Nick Bennett) from the British county of Lancashire owns the world's largest collection of things dedicated to the series of novels by Ian Fleming about James Bond. At last count, the Bennett collection includes 12,463 items.
5. Accountant Lindsey Lindberg (Linsey Lindberg) nicknamed Mom managed to crush eight apples using her biceps. In addition, she knows how to inflate heating pads until they burst, and tear telephone directories in half with her hands.
6. Nick Stoeberl has been trying to get into the book for the past two years. However, due to various formalities, his record was registered only this year. In the 60th edition of the book, Stobel was included as the owner of the longest tongue - 10.1 centimeters.
7. The smallest motor home in the world was created by a resident of London, Yannick Read. Its length is 2.39 meters, height - 1.53 meters, and width - only 79 centimeters.
8. Karsten Maas from Denmark has created the longest golf club (4.37 meters) that can be played.
9. Andreas Skala from Germany became the owner of the largest collection of police caps.
10. The largest captive crab, called Big Daddy, lives in Japan. The length of its legs reaches almost three meters.
11. The dimensions of the largest motorized shopping cart, which was created by American Frederic Reifstik (Fred Reifsteck), are 8.23 meters long, 4.57 meters wide and 2.43 meters high.
12. Jason McNabb managed to eat 123 hot chili peppers in a minute.
13. Akiko Obata from Japan is the owner of the largest collection of plastic food, which includes over eight thousand items.
14. A dog named Jiff can run five meters on his front legs the fastest in the world.
15. The most impressive afro haircut belongs to Massachusetts resident Alan Edward Labbe (Alan Edward Labbe). The circumference of the haircut exceeds one and a half meters.
16. Michael Jenkins managed to drink a liter of natural lemon juice in 123 seconds.
17. Bob Bretall, 52, has been collecting comics since he was eight years old. As of May 1, 2014, his collection included more than 94 thousand unique comics, and their total weight is about 8.3 tons.
18. The smallest cat in the world is a nine-year-old Munchkin named Liliput. Her height from floor to shoulder is just over 13 centimeters.
19. Bork Brown (Broc Brown) is considered the world's tallest teenager. His height is just over 217 centimeters, the young man wears shoes of the 57th size.
20. Great Dane Zeus from Michigan is considered the tallest dog in the world. Its height at the withers is 1.12 meters, and its weight is about 70 kilograms. On the day the animal eats 14 kilograms of feed.
21. The size of the largest yo-yo in the world reaches almost 3.6 meters, and the weight exceeds 2 tons. Beth Johnson, a resident of Ohio, spent a year and a half to create it.
22. American singer Christine Walton grew the longest nails in the world. The last time a woman cut them was in 1990. Today, the total length of all her nails exceeds seven meters, and the longest of them is a meter.
23. Macaw parrot named Zach from California managed to open 35 cans of soda with his beak in a minute. In addition, Zach holds the record for the most balls thrown into a playing basketball hoop in one minute. For the past 20 years, the parrot, who knows over 100 words, has been traveling the US with his show.
Keywords: Guinness Book of Records | Record | Anniversary
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