Rating of the most annoying sounds

Rating of the most annoying sounds

Categories: People | Psychology | Science | Society | World

There are sounds in our world that are so unpleasant to human ears that they can cause chills or goosebumps. And especially annoying ones can completely drive us crazy, and even lead to painful sensations. You all remember from school the unpleasant sound made by chalk on the blackboard. And what other sounds cause unpleasant reactions in people? The scientists decided to test this on volunteers, and we share the results of their research with you.


Rating of the most annoying sounds

1. Scientists from the University of Newcastle invited volunteers whose task was to indicate exactly which sounds are the most unpleasant for them. To do this, they were given 74 different sounds to listen to, such as squealing tires, whistling wind, chatter, and so on. Of these sounds, the volunteers chose the five most annoying. The research results were published in the "Journal of Neuroscience". (Photo: Shutterstock).

Rating of the most annoying sounds

2. Volunteers listened to sounds during an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). When listening to the sounds they found most annoying, there was a noticeable increase in activity in an area of the brain called the amygdala, which is responsible for controlling emotions. (Photo: Shutterstock).

Rating of the most annoying sounds

3. In the first place among the most annoying sounds was the grinding of a knife on glass. (Photo: Shutterstock).

Rating of the most annoying sounds

4. The second place among the most unpleasant sounds was taken by the sound of a fork sliding on the glass. (Photo: Shutterstock).

Rating of the most annoying sounds

5. Third place went to the sound of chalk writing on a blackboard. (Photo: Shutterstock).

Rating of the most annoying sounds

6. The fourth place among the most unpleasant sounds is the sound made by a ruler drawn on glass. (Photo: Shutterstock).

Rating of the most annoying sounds

7. And the fifth place among the most terrible sounds belongs to the gnashing of nails on the board. (Photo: Shutterstock).

Rating of the most annoying sounds

8. According to the researchers, all unpleasant sounds were in the frequency range from 2 thousand to 5 thousand Hertz. (Photo: Shutterstock).

Rating of the most annoying sounds

9. According to researchers, these unpleasant sounds warn us of danger and therefore help us survive. (Photo: Shutterstock).

Rating of the most annoying sounds

10. According to the author of this study, Dr. Sukhbinder Kumar, some sounds are unpleasant to us not because they annoy us, but due to the fact that they are associated with certain actions. That's why we hate the alarm clock - it interrupts our sleep! (Photo: Shutterstock).

Keywords: Annoying sounds | People | Goosebumps | Painful sensations | Reactions | Scientists | Science | Interesting facts

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