Operation Ovulation and other delights of family life in the Israeli artist's new funny comics

Operation Ovulation and other delights of family life in the Israeli artist's new funny comics

Categories: Positive

Do you remember the Israeli artist Yehuda Devir, who draws illustrations for his life with his wife Maya? Yehuda continues to anneal! And now we present his 10 newest works, in which you can fully appreciate his unique style and unique sense of humor.

Operation Ovulation and other delights of family life in the Israeli artist's new funny comics

Operation Ovulation and other delights of family life in the Israeli artist's new funny comics

Happy birthday, my queen! My wife! My love!

Operation Ovulation and other delights of family life in the Israeli artist's new funny comics

Die, you devil bird!

Operation Ovulation and other delights of family life in the Israeli artist's new funny comics


Operation Ovulation and other delights of family life in the Israeli artist's new funny comics


Operation Ovulation and other delights of family life in the Israeli artist's new funny comics


Operation Ovulation and other delights of family life in the Israeli artist's new funny comics

I'm not afraid of the cold at all.

Operation Ovulation and other delights of family life in the Israeli artist's new funny comics

I think she's ready.

Operation Ovulation and other delights of family life in the Israeli artist's new funny comics

The art of seduction.

Operation Ovulation and other delights of family life in the Israeli artist's new funny comics

Operation "Ovulation".

Operation Ovulation and other delights of family life in the Israeli artist's new funny comics

Sweat and blood.

Keywords: Wife | Illustrations | Comics | Husband | Relationship | Family | Artist

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