Natasha Crown is a girl who dreams of the biggest ass in the world
Categories: Social Networks
By Pictolic person should have a goal. Otherwise, life will not be interesting at all. Someone aspires to marry a millionaire, someone wants to get a brilliant education, and someone is building a beautiful body. Well, there are those who just grow a record-breaking ass and live it every day. Natasha Crown from Sweden at the age of 29 is stubbornly pursuing a dream — to grow the most massive fifth point in the world.
Natasha is moving towards her ambitious goal with leaps and bounds. This is clearly visible from the photos that the Swede posts on social networks. In order for the ass to grow, she does not squat with a barbell and does not insert implants. Crown decided that her ass should be as fat as possible and just... eats it off.
Every day Natasha absorbs a huge amount of food, and the most high-calorie. Of course, in her special "diet" a serious place is given to sweets. Imagine, she eats 6 kg of Nutella paste every month and this is not her only dessert.
But don't think that Natasha just mindlessly eats everything. There are a dime a dozen such record holders and a special strategy is needed to get around them. Having gained a certain weight on her sides, stomach and hips, the girl goes to a plastic surgeon. He distills fat from different parts of the body into the buttocks.
Natasha did the first such fat transplant procedure 9 years ago. Since then, she has left 150 thousand dollars (11.3 million rubles) on the accounts of plastic surgery clinics. Such expenses do not bother Crown at all — she plans to continue until she becomes the most.
Looking at the old photos of the future record holder, it's hard to believe your eyes. Once Natasha was a pretty girl with a sporty figure. We don't know what has to happen in a person's mind for him to want to change in this way.
The pursuit of centimeters in the butt area affected Crown's personal life. The girl admitted that her last relationship was two years ago. But it seems that this does not depress Natasha at all. She says that she is excited by the consciousness of the greatness of her ass and she does not need anyone.
However, men themselves are not particularly eager to get involved with Natasha. Even lovers of lush beauty believe that her "feed" is unnecessarily massive.
Crown decided to fix her record in 2022. To do this, she needs to do another fat transfer in the clinic. When asked by journalists about what she plans to do later, Natasha replies that she will continue and will beat her record herself every year.
A girl from Sweden is not alone in her desire to increase her ass. 26-year-old Paige Venable decided to get everything at once and doubled her ass with the help of implants.
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