Most Painful Insect Stings

Most Painful Insect Stings

Categories: Animals | Nature | People | Photo project | Science | Society | World

Entomologist Justin Schmidt has been stung more than 1,000 times by more than 80 different types of insects. It was he who systematized and compared the hemolytic features of insect venom and created the Schmidt Scale, which is a scale of the strength of stings of stinging Hymenoptera, depending on the strength of their effect on humans and the pain experienced. The assessment is given on a four-point scale. We will start our list from the very bottom, gradually approaching those insects whose bite causes hellish pain.


Most Painful Insect Stings

1. Red fire ant. Level 1

Most Painful Insect Stings

2. Sphecius Grandis. Level 1.5.

Most Painful Insect Stings

3. Honey bee. Level 2 - A bee sting will cause an unpleasant burning sensation, but it is easily tolerated if you are not allergic.

Most Painful Insect Stings

4. Pennsylvania wasp. Level 2. A wasp sting feels like a tongue burn from a cigarette.

Most Painful Insect Stings

5. Polybia sericea. Level 2.5.

Most Painful Insect Stings

6. German wasps. Level 3. The pain is explosive and long. It was as if hot oil had been dripped onto my hand.

Most Painful Insect Stings

7. Florida reaper ant. Level 3

Most Painful Insect Stings

8. Pepsis. Level 4. The bite of this spider hunter is shocking as if you were electrocuted.

Most Painful Insect Stings

9 Bullet Ant Level 4. Intense and terrifying pain, as if you were constantly being poked with a red-hot nail.

Most Painful Insect Stings

10. Synoeca. Level 4. The sting of this wasp is described by the "lucky ones" as real torture when you are chained to the mouth of an active volcano.

Keywords: Entomologists | Insect | Nature | Animals | Features | Different types of insects | Human | Pain

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