Make it in three hours: how to set a New Year's table and not screw up

It seems as if on New Year's Eve we need to do everything that we have not done in the last 12 months. In fact, we are so used to the established pattern of New Year's Eve actions that we forget all the time — there are services that will solve all problems for us and save us from "preparatory suffering".

(5 photos in total)

Make it in three hours: how to set a New Year's table and not screw up

The cleaner will do the cleaning in the apartment better than you (op! saved 4 hours), gifts can be ordered online (the courier will bring everything wherever you say). It remains to dress up the Christmas tree and set the table. That's where the problems begin. To set a really nice and good table, you need to: think of what you are going to cut, cook and bake (if it's not a standard set of "New Year's Russian" from caviar, olivier and sprats), go to the store (sometimes not in one) and stand for several hours in the kitchen.

Although even here you can make your life easier, because there is a grocery delivery. We thought about it and realized that a couple of our employees have already felt the saving effect of the grocery delivery service.

Make it in three hours: how to set a New Year's table and not screw up

I'm a lone wolf in general, and I can surprise girls with quotes from Dovlatov and Brodsky. The girls laugh and cry, then ask: "Who is this?", I get upset, but I don't stop quoting. Although I once had a magical young lady who didn't ask: "Who is this?", and quoted Sergei Donatovich in response. I took my breath away from happiness, immediately I came up with names for our future children and decided to take care of her, cherish her and certainly surprise her.

The New Year was approaching, the young lady was supposed to come to me on December 31 so that we could spend the holiday together. Can you imagine how worried I was? Karjakin was not so worried before the game with Carlsen. Not to feed a lady with scrambled eggs.

A few days before the New Year, I started looking for recipes on the Internet, stumbled upon a bunch of sites with formulations like "we take potatoes, finely chop the onion, chop the apples with a knife" and ran away from there in horror. Women, are you really reading all this? I looked at these "recipes", and I wanted to open my veins a little with a "knife". In desperation, I typed in something like "how to cook dinner quickly". Then I came across a website where I could order a grocery set. Upon closer examination, it turned out that it would make unprecedented dishes with complex names. And the kit even gave detailed instructions. Ordered.

In the end, everything went well. Very good. Guys, do everything like this.

Make it in three hours: how to set a New Year's table and not screw up

Make it in three hours: how to set a New Year's table and not screw up

I already know for sure that food delivery will save me this year. I was very lucky with my friends — they are wonderful people, kind, responsive and, most importantly, very creative. I was once again convinced of this when my best friend announced to me that she was going to get married. This year. December, 31st. In Belgorod. Beautiful girl.

I can't not come, and as a result, the last day of this year will be hellish. On December 31, I will be in Belgorod, take a walk at the wedding, be sure to shout "Bitterly" a couple of times and rush on a plane to Moscow to still celebrate the New Year in my favorite city. The plane is at 18:00, somewhere at 19:25 I will be in the capital.

We will celebrate the New Year with my brother's family, and there are a lot of hungry men and the same number of housewives who very successfully (not for me) agreed to set the table with joint efforts — everyone brings something of their own. I'm a capable girl, but even I can't cook at least some decent dish on the way home from the airport. I decided that I would order the delivery of ready-made sets of products for cooking. And I will save time, and I will definitely not hit the dirt with my face.

Make it in three hours: how to set a New Year's table and not screw up

If you also want to make your life as easy as possible on New Year's Eve and please your loved ones with a chic festive table, the Party of Food delivery service will help you. The special festive menu was developed together with the chef of the restaurant "Moscow" (Ginza project) and consists of four chic dishes: hot to choose from, an appetizer and a couple of delicious salads, you can even add a homemade dessert to the set.

Make it in three hours: how to set a New Year's table and not screw up

All you need is to place an order on the Food Party website. Then the manager will contact you to clarify the details of delivery. A box with all the products will be delivered to you on December 29 or 30 at a convenient time interval. (The service operates in Moscow and the Moscow Region, as well as in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.) You will only have to cook the dishes, following the photo recipe. It will only take a couple of hours. Your whole New Year's table will look like this:

Make it in three hours: how to set a New Year's table and not screw up

Make it in three hours: how to set a New Year's table and not screw up

Keywords: New Year | Partner post | Help | Rescue | Dinner

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