"Is it a stuffed animal or a live cat?": this muzzle may well become a new meme about despair

"Is it a stuffed animal or a live cat?": this muzzle may well become a new meme about despair

Categories: Animals

Meet Wilfred, the main contender for the "title" of the cat with the most frightening look. And it's not surprising, just look at those huge eyes!

Wilfred has already received his share of fame, but his muzzle may well become a new meme about despair. See what other netizens think about the cat.

"Is it a stuffed animal or a live cat?": this muzzle may well become a new meme about despair

"Is it a stuffed animal or a live cat?": this muzzle may well become a new meme about despair

A Reddit user under the nickname ceRtzz posted a video with Wilfred in the title role. In the video, the cat looks very strange and even frightening.

Users who viewed the post said that his muzzle is the perfect template for a new meme. Wilfred may well replace Grumpy Cat on the throne as the saddest or just creepy cat.

"Is it a stuffed animal or a live cat?": this muzzle may well become a new meme about despair

As it turned out, Wilfred is a real superstar. The cat even has his own Instagram account, which is subscribed to by more than 1 million people.

The key to success was the unusual appearance of the cat. Huge eyes, a flattened nose, protruding fangs – all this can frighten or, conversely, make anyone laugh.

"Is it a stuffed animal or a live cat?": this muzzle may well become a new meme about despair

Sometimes it seems that the strange cat does not blink and is just waiting for the right moment when he can attack the next victim.

"Is it a stuffed animal or a live cat?": this muzzle may well become a new meme about despair

Wilfred was even confused with a stuffed animal. Reddit users did not immediately believe that the cat in the photo was quite alive, healthy and happy. But it's true.

Wilfred, a representative of the breed of white Persian cats, lives in London. The video, which caused a stir among users, was filmed in the backyard of the owner of the pet.

"Is it a stuffed animal or a live cat?": this muzzle may well become a new meme about despair

Despite the fact that the cat is forbidden to walk down the street, he sneaks away to soak up the sun or just go about his business.

"Is it a stuffed animal or a live cat?": this muzzle may well become a new meme about despair

"Is it a stuffed animal or a live cat?": this muzzle may well become a new meme about despair

Wilfred, unlike other cats, does not really like climbing trees, but enjoys taking a bath and posing for the camera. Despite his peculiar appearance, Wilfred is a very kind and affectionate cat.

The owner of the cat, Jenna Millward, was not going to have a pet, but could not resist this extraordinary look when she saw the announcement of the sale.

"Is it a stuffed animal or a live cat?": this muzzle may well become a new meme about despair

"Is it a stuffed animal or a live cat?": this muzzle may well become a new meme about despair

Now she just adores her cute freak Wilfred, and he reciprocates her.

"Is it a stuffed animal or a live cat?": this muzzle may well become a new meme about despair

The hostess now often takes Wilfred for walks and even to the pub. Many are afraid of his appearance, but quickly get used to the unusual cat.

"Is it a stuffed animal or a live cat?": this muzzle may well become a new meme about despair

In some photos, Wilfred is compared to actor Steve Buscemi. Both have a memorable look.

Keywords: Look | Eyes | Cat | Cats | Memes | Humor

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