In Florida, for more than a year, they gave licenses for weapons to unverified people, because the employee could not log in to the database

In Florida, for more than a year, they gave licenses for weapons to unverified people, because the employee could not log in to the database

Categories: North America

Never be afraid to say at work that something is not working out for you. Otherwise, the consequences may be unpredictable. In the US state of Florida, they issued a permit to carry weapons without checking for more than a year, because one of the employees of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Goods could not log in to the national database. As a result, tens of thousands of people who may be mentally unstable and criminals received permits.

In Florida, for more than a year, they gave licenses for weapons to unverified people, because the employee could not log in to the database Source: HuffPost

In Florida, for more than a year, they gave licenses for weapons to unverified people, because the employee could not log in to the database

The Office of the Inspector General of the State of Florida found out that since February 2016, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Goods has stopped using the national database. This database is needed in order to check people for criminal records and mental health status.

Employees of the department did not look into the database until March 2017, which means that for more than a year applications for weapons were approved without verification. And licenses could be issued to mentally unstable people and people with criminal records.

In Florida, for more than a year, they gave licenses for weapons to unverified people, because the employee could not log in to the database

It turned out that an employee of the department could not log in to the database, but she did not inform anyone about it for more than a year.

Keywords: Weapons | Error | Work

Post News Article

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