How a cat with an extra chromosome became an Instagram star
Categories: Animals | Social Networks
By Pictolic is a special cat. So special that she simply could not survive without the help of kind people. The fate of animals with her disease gives almost no chance — they are doomed to death on the street or euthanasia in a shelter. But Maya is so lucky that she not only lives in the house, but also has her own Instagram account.
Maya the cat was born with a rare genetic ailment similar to Down syndrome in humans. Because of the extra chromosome, the animal sees poorly, practically does not hear and continuously sneezes.
When such a kitten is born to a domestic cat, it is killed or thrown out into the street, which is practically the same thing — without human intervention, it is still doomed.
A sick kitten, picked up by kind people at a Chinese restaurant in Boston, can be said to have pulled a lucky ticket. He was taken to a shelter for homeless animals, where the animal was fed and rid of parasites.
But it can only be called luck conditionally — Maya was put in a cage to be put to sleep after a while. Unclaimed, and even more so sick animals are not kept in shelters in the USA for a long time.
But then a real miracle happened — employees of the organization with the unusual name "Shelter of strange cats" came to the shelter, who took Maya out of the cage and made sure that the unusual kitten found the owners.
Thousands of good Americans responded to the Facebook ad with a proposal to take the poor guy home, and, choosing the best, in their opinion, applicant from them, the organization's employees gave the animal.
The owner of the incredibly lucky Maya was Lauren, who sincerely fell in love with an unusual cat and even started her personal Instagram account, in which she publishes photos and videos on behalf of Maya.
#TBT in honor of the adorable head tilt Maya does when she's focused on watching something
A post shared by Maya the Cat (@meetmayacat) on May 31, 2018 at 11:57am PDT
The cat loves to pose for Instagram.
He watches TV with pleasure.
Posing for artists and photographers.
They even published a children's book about her.
An unusual cat loves holidays and gifts, and is ready to celebrate all festive dates in a row.
Maya is not the only pet in Lauren's family — a black Dragon cat also lives in the house, with whom Maya has excellent friendly relations.
In general, we can confidently say that Maya is a happy cat whose life was completely successful!
Keywords: Illness | Cat | Shelter
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