God is love

God is love

Categories: Photo project

The movement against the “homosexualization of Ukraine” was launched as part of a campaign designed to scare Ukrainians away from European integration processes. Anna Grabarskaya regularly attended and filmed homophobic rallies until they stopped.

(Total 16 photos)

God is love Source: colta.ru

God is love

1. From the author: “I started filming rallies of Ukrainian homophobes quite by accident - I passed by such a “meeting” in the center of Kyiv.

God is love

2. Nuns, sad faces of elderly believers, stern looks and ridiculous homemade posters - some good photos came out of this mess. The topic interested me so much that religious homophobes almost dreamed of me at night.

God is love

3. Thus, I started filming the project “God is love” and for a year and a half did not miss a single demonstration or procession under banners and slogans “Muck will not pass!”. Armed with a business card of one of the leaders of this movement and showing it to the right and left, I felt welcome at any meeting.

God is love

4. These events were organized by two "offices" - "Love Against Homosexuality" and "Parents' Committee". Enlisting the support of religious fanatics, they disrupted gay pride parades, distributed leaflets and, most importantly, tried to resist the liberalization of human rights legislation necessary for Ukraine's movement into Europe.

God is love

5. Immediately after the change of power, homophobic rallies ceased.”

God is love


God is love


God is love


God is love


God is love


God is love


God is love


God is love


God is love


God is love


God is love


Keywords: Gays | Homosexuality | Demonstration | B/w | Procession

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