Full names of famous movie characters that you didn't know about
Categories: World
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/full-names-of-famous-movie-characters-that-you-didnt-know-about.htmlWe know the names of the characters of our favorite movies and cartoons and can even quote them from memory. It seems that we know everything about them, but do not rush to conclusions. Will you be able to name their full names, not abbreviated ones? Do you really think Indiana is a first name and Jones is a last name? We will disappoint you now.
It turns out that often we do not know the full names of the characters, but strongly abbreviated or even nicknames. Only the most devoted fans or those who are familiar with the hero not from a movie, but from a book will be able to remember the real "passport data". Now you can put to shame the experts who boast of their erudition. Well, shall we start?
Beloved by everyone, Indiana Jones, who has not left the cinema screens for more than 40 years, has a full name. In fact, it sounds very aristocratic — Henry Walton Indiana Jones Jr.
A prominent statesman and a high-ranking clergyman, Cardinal Richelieu, lived in France in the 17th century. His persona is very much loved by writers and cinematographers. But for some reason they almost always omit his full name. The main antagonist of D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers during his lifetime was called Armand Jean du Plessis de Richelieu.
The beloved hero of the yard boys of the 70s and the character of countless jokes Stirlitz was not called that at all. No, his name wasn't even Otto von Stirlitz or Maxim Maksimovich Isaev. All these names appeared in the novels of Julian Semenov about a Soviet intelligence officer, but they were pseudonyms. His true name is Vsevolod Vladimirovich Vladimirov.
In ordinary human life, comic book characters have names. Can you remember the name of the odious Deadpool? Probably not. And his name is Wade Winston Wilson and, by the way, it is called in the first film about this hero.
And Wolverine's name isn't Logan at all. In ordinary life, where there is no need to save the world, everyone just calls the superhero James Howlett.
What was the name of the Iron Man? That's right - Tony Stark. And his girlfriend? Pepper? And here it is not. This is also a nickname, and the girl's real name is Virginia Potts.
Professor Faust, a magician, astrologer and alchemist from Goethe's play of the same name, known to us from school, had the full name Johann Georg Faust. Agree, this is more solid.
You wouldn't be able to name the Wizard of Oz, even if you had ever encountered him. Of course, because his parents gave him the name Oscar Zoroaster Fadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmanuel Ambroise Diggs.
Do you remember the faithful friend of the dog Scooby-Doo, whom everyone called Shaggy? His official name is Norville Rogers, and he got the nickname for his forever disheveled hairstyle.
The heroine of Flaubert's most famous novel, Madame Bovary, was called Emma Rouault before her marriage. She became a Bovary after she married Charles Bovary.
It seems that what could be simpler than the name of the alien Alpha? Smart guys will say that his full name is an abbreviation of Alien Life Form, that is, "extraterrestrial life form". But no—his name was Gordon Shumway. At least, that's what he claimed.
I bet you don't even know Mickey Mouse's name. Yes, yes, this mouse has a completely human name - Michael Theodore Mouse.
And finally, let's clarify that Goofy's dog was named George Gif. In one of the cartoons, he is given a salary and it is this name that is on the accounting sheet.
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