Feathered horse riding: a raven saddled a bald eagle

Feathered horse riding: a raven saddled a bald eagle

Categories: Animals

Fu Chan, a talented California bird photographer whose work has been featured on the National Geographic Channel, recently managed to capture something incredible. In the series of pictures he took, you can see a unique scene: a crow saddling a flying bald eagle and riding on its back.

Here is what Chan himself says: “Crows are known for their way of aggressively chasing other, much larger predators, as soon as they are seen within the “crow” territories. Usually the trespassing birds just retreat without much fuss. However, in the case shown in the photo, the raven does not demonstrate such strong aggression towards its opponent, and the eagle itself does not seem to mind such an invasion of personal space. An even more amusing picture was made by a short stop of a raven right on the back of an eagle. From the side, a picture of a real picturesque horse riding was created!

(Total 5 photos)

Feathered horse riding: a raven saddled a bald eagle Source: flytothesky.ru

Feathered horse riding: a raven saddled a bald eagle


Feathered horse riding: a raven saddled a bald eagle


Feathered horse riding: a raven saddled a bald eagle


Feathered horse riding: a raven saddled a bald eagle


Feathered horse riding: a raven saddled a bald eagle


Keywords: Crows | Eagles | Birds

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