Discover the beauty of vitiligo

Discover the beauty of vitiligo

Categories: Photo project

Warsaw-based photographer Yuliya Kaczorowska first discovered white spots on herself when she was four years old. She, like 1% of the world's population, is sick with vitiligo - a lack of pigmentation in certain areas of the skin. As a teenager, Julia hid her body on the beach and later learned to love it. Her photo project is dedicated to people with vitiligo who, despite the stigmatization from society, do not hesitate to get naked.

(Total 9 photos)

Discover the beauty of vitiligo Source:

Discover the beauty of vitiligo

1. Tisia

Discover the beauty of vitiligo

2. Jade

Discover the beauty of vitiligo

3. Rachel

Discover the beauty of vitiligo

4. Lukasz A.

Discover the beauty of vitiligo

5. Zuzya

Discover the beauty of vitiligo

6. Anastasia

Discover the beauty of vitiligo

7. Lukasz S.

Discover the beauty of vitiligo

8. Anya V.

Discover the beauty of vitiligo

9. Julia Kachorovska

Keywords: Vitiligo | Skin | Beautiful | Body

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