Digital homeless: 10 homeless bloggers

Digital homeless: 10 homeless bloggers

Categories: World

The news about homeless video blogger Yevgeny Yakut, who gained 17 thousand subscribers on YouTube in a month, spread all over the Internet. We have compiled a selection of other popular bloggers who do not have a permanent roof over their heads.

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Digital homeless: 10 homeless bloggers Source:

Digital homeless: 10 homeless bloggers

Gary Johnston

Gary Johnston became homeless shortly after the September 11 attacks, in which he lost many friends. Post-traumatic stress turned out to be so unbearable for the sous-chef of a restaurant in Manhattan that even moving to Boston could not save him. Johnston became depressed and soon found himself on the streets. About his homeless life, he maintains the Homeless Life blog and even the Boston Homeless twitter.

Digital homeless: 10 homeless bloggers

Kevin Barbier

Homeless guy Kevin Barbier runs The Homeless Guy blog about God, Jungian psychoanalysis and music, along the way providing homeless people with survival tips. He has been on the street for over 20 years. “At some point, I realized that I didn’t want to stay in San Diego anymore, I threw a few things in the car and just drove away,” says Kevin. In 1997, he already tried to start a newspaper for the homeless, but only now he has succeeded - Kevin's website even helped him earn money for a new computer.

Digital homeless: 10 homeless bloggers


MadMike, the author of the blog of the same name, chose the homeless life himself. Due to his physical handicap (since birth, one of Mike's legs is shorter than the other), narcissistic mother and imprisonment, he was never able to socialize and find a job and felt like an outcast. Homelessness gave Mike a sense of freedom. He writes about this on his website, which has become an outlet for him. However, now this outlet can also become a source of income: one of the well-known American publishers has concluded a contract with Mike for a book. Pictured: in his new home.

Digital homeless: 10 homeless bloggers

Brianna Karp

What to do if you suddenly lost your home and all you have left is a Tibetan mastiff? Brianna Karp, a former business assistant from California, writes about this in her blog The Girl's Guide to Homelessness. The girl fell victim to the 2008 crisis, left without shelter and livelihood. However, this did not prevent the courageous and enterprising Karp from getting out of the bottom, finding a home and writing a book about it. Now she is working to protect the rights of the homeless in California.

Digital homeless: 10 homeless bloggers


Cheerful African American HomelessMo maintains his YouTube channel, where he shares homeless life hacks and interviews passers-by. Here's what Mo himself says about himself and his videos: "I'm a guy from San Francisco who is trying his best to get back on his feet and showing you his life along the way."

Digital homeless: 10 homeless bloggers

David Everitt-Carlson

David Everitt-Carlson, a 55-year-old former marketer from New York, no longer hopes to find a home. “I may never find a place to live,” he shares, “I’m so exhausted. Somehow, when people hear that I'm homeless, they think there's something wrong with me. Not with power. Not with society. With me". Despite the pessimism, David is actively involved in his site A Homeless Blogger in NYC and even understands how a homeless person can monetize his blog.

Digital homeless: 10 homeless bloggers

Charles Pitts

Another non-resident Twitter user is San Francisco-based Charles Pitts, who tweets under the username poetcharles. Using twitter, he talks about the events in his life and shares the videos he likes on YouTube.

Digital homeless: 10 homeless bloggers

Victor Borisov

Far fewer homeless people in Russia have access to the internet compared to America. But we also have homeless people who write online about their lives. For example, Viktor Borisov, who lives in the forest and makes his website from his mobile phone. Victor talks in detail about how he set up a real farm in the forest and why he became homeless.

Keywords: Homeless | Blogger

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