Best iPhone Photography Awards 2016

Best iPhone Photography Awards 2016

Categories: World

The winners of the iPhone Photography Awards, an annual award given to the authors of the best photos taken on the iPhone, were announced. The winner of the main prize was the Chinese Siyuan Niu, the author of the picture called "The Man and the Eagle". The photo taken in the Tien Shan Mountains in the south of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China shows a 70-year-old man named Khalkha with his golden eagle.

(12 photos in total)

Best iPhone Photography Awards 2016Source:

"I can't believe I won the grand prize! If I had to describe my feelings, I would say that I feel like Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio's hero), who won a ticket to the Titanic, or like a newborn Simba, picked up by a baboon shaman," Xiyuan shared.

"It's amazing that people around the world take pictures, thereby sharing with us a piece of their lives," said Kenan Aktulun, the founder of the award.

Best iPhone Photography Awards 2016

Second place: "She bends with the wind," by Robin Robertis.

Best iPhone Photography Awards 2016

Third place: "Wonderland", by Carolyn Mara Borlengi.

Best iPhone Photography Awards 2016

First place in the category "News and events", author — Lulud Aki.

Best iPhone Photography Awards 2016

First place in the category "Portrait", author — Elizabeth Taylor.

Best iPhone Photography Awards 2016

First place in the category "Trees", author — Victor Quintanar.

Best iPhone Photography Awards 2016

First place in the category "Animals", author — Erica Wu.

Best iPhone Photography Awards 2016

First place in the category "Still Life", author — Wen Ki.

Best iPhone Photography Awards 2016

First place in the category "Flowers", author — Lon Bjorn.

Best iPhone Photography Awards 2016

First place in the category "Nature", author — Yunfeng Wang.

Best iPhone Photography Awards 2016

First place in the category "Other", by Kevin Casey.

Best iPhone Photography Awards 2016

First place in the category "People", author — Zhenkai Ksia.

Keywords: 2016 | IPhone | Best photos | Mobile phones | Award | Photography

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