An amazing story about how Ru came to success - on wheels!

An amazing story about how Ru came to success - on wheels!

Categories: Animals | Positive

Roo is happy because now she doesn't have to jump like a kangaroo - she has wheels! A nine-month-old puppy from Romania was born without one leg and lost the other almost immediately after his birth. By the time she was picked up on the street near death, Ru had already learned to jump on two legs, which made her look like a kangaroo.

The dog's new owner says that she was completely happy on two legs, but the high load on the spine threatened the development of arthritis in the future. The owner ordered special wheels for Ru, and the animal began to train daily with this device.

“Roo loves to jump, and we're pretty sure she thinks she's a kangaroo, not a dog, so when the wheels were first put on, she was like, 'No thanks!' But after a few moments, she began to move around the garden - to run like other dogs, for the first time in her life, ”says owner Ru.

Four months earlier, Roux had been taken in by a British charity and brought to the UK. She was given this name precisely because she looked like a kangaroo. "Ru is a very self-confident girl," Ru's new owners - and friends - say.

(Total 10 photos)

An amazing story about how Ru came to success - on wheels!

Photo: Jeremy Durkin / Rex Features / Fotodom.ruAn amazing story about how Ru came to success - on wheels! 1. Roux with owner Nikki Dick.

An amazing story about how Ru came to success - on wheels! 2.

An amazing story about how Ru came to success - on wheels! 3.

An amazing story about how Ru came to success - on wheels! 4.

An amazing story about how Ru came to success - on wheels! 5.

An amazing story about how Ru came to success - on wheels! 6.

An amazing story about how Ru came to success - on wheels! 7.

An amazing story about how Ru came to success - on wheels! 8.

An amazing story about how Ru came to success - on wheels! 9.

An amazing story about how Ru came to success - on wheels! 10.

Keywords: Charity | Pets | Disabled people | Kangaroos | Shelter | Dogs | Owners

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